I love irony and all the contradictions and the sarcasm that "good" irony can stir up. It's so easy to laugh at someone else's irony, just happy that it's THEIR pickle and not ours. I said easy--not nice. Well, recently "someone elses" irony hit oh- so- close to home. My dear brother from Ossineke, (a small, Native American, fishing village in northern Michigan) is doing his level best to be a good single parent to his 3 small sons, while working 6 days a week at the local Ford dealership and 1 night a week at our sisters wonderful restaurant, as a bartender. ( More on the ever fabulous Rosa's at another time--it's a whole another bottle of wine!) Steve has been known to stoically haul his cookies to the dealership every Saturday just in case some laid off-no Ford A plan-just struck it lucky person, should happen to want to kick a tire. (I know--kinda harsh) But it's a short day at the end of a long week and with donuts and the lottery club to ease it all--Steve made it work. Sometimes there was even a "live one"! Well, seems that one Friday afternoon it became apparent to his boss that Steve has worked the last 989 Saturdays in a row, and suggested he take the next day off. What? No getting up early on the 6th day? No donuts and lottery tickets? If He could scare up a babysitter, it would be a night out with a sleep in! So, throwing caution out the window, Steve took the day off. Saturday morning the donuts and lottery tickets were procured and with a little luck the lottery tickets could fund a couple of frosted bear claw induced angioplasties. No one could have predicted that with a shriek audible somewhere in the area of the Joe, the secretary announced that they had won $20,000.00! The two others sharing the wealth (there usually would be three others) stared in disbelief!! Especially when one of them noticed that they in fact would be splitting (3 ways not 4) $200,000.00. OMG! A call was sent out to my brother so that He could share the joy. Ever the supportive friend, Steve spread the congrats around. Just happiness. No IRONY! Not even ONE sour grape. I'm afraid that I would have had a whole vineyard of 'em and probably would have drank at least the same. Maybe you know the type of person, or at least have HEARD of the type of person, that never has a bad word to say and can usually find something redeeming. Well, that was Steve. So what if it cost him $35,000.00 (after taxes) for one lousy Saturday off. Just not meant to be he says. Maybe next time. Yea, and I heard it's snowing in Hell. How else can you look at it? And who would have thought? It figures......xoxo
7 months ago