Patience is a virtue-cultivate it! My Mom said that to me so many times growing up that is became a joke that everyone teased me about. A five minute wait for anything would spark a loud sigh, and eye roll and perhaps even a foot stomp for added punctuation. It did me little good, and didn't even speed the wait along even by a second, and in most cases slowed the show down even further. But I could not control myself, THEN..
Having a child proved to be the ultimate lesson in patience as the little dude was 13 days late. After about 8 days, I just accepted that I would be waddling around 'with child' indefinitely. And when he was finally birthed, the true lessons in patience began. A baby has it's own timetable-one that can be neither sped up or slowed down by a good eye roll so suck it up!
So I'm better now. Yoga and good old maturity has made me much more reasonable tho there are still things that threaten to make me snap like a dry Ritz cracker...
Sometimes there is one checkout at Kroger and I'm the fifteenth in line. With ice cream. And for the third aisle in a row, the lady parks her cart in the middle and prevents me from getting past. Move along lady, I don't have all day here! If when signing in at the gym for a class I am already late to, there is a big convo regarding protein shakes and such and the clipboard is being blocked. Hey, Muscles! If I'm late, it's all YOUR fault! If the 'brown truck' slows down, but does not stop, with a delivery of something sure to change my life, I may run to the computer and track it's progress. Big sigh.. I do not mind if dinner takes awhile to arrive, but for heaven's sake do not delay in delivery of my cocktail! I've found that craning my neck in the direction of the bar does not seem to help and only succeeds in making me look like an idiot. Just a very thirsty idiot! A five minute wait at Tim Horton's drive thru can sometimes drive me to check my phone for something amusing. C'mon girl. Do you have the attention span of a housefly? No, just need my caffeine-pronto and can hardly wait.
Impatience is not a charming quality, and I am determined to work on it. Nobody wants a malcontent old lady in the nursing home loudly demanding her applesauce. Any advice for me, patient, virtuous friends? Hurry along with it. KIDDING!! xoxo
7 months ago