On this week approaching Thanksgiving, I was going to list 10 things I am thankful for. However, it became too cliched, and 5 things seem to be enough without being too redundant.
#5 Firstly, I am thankful for family and friends that I can count on to get me thru what is the
hardest time of my life. Thank you for your unending love and support and understanding when I have to blink back tears. The cards, calls, and kind words are balms to my soul, and I cannot
express the importance and joy you bring me. I am touched and you have made me a better and more compassionate person thru your actions. What a delightful and unexpected lesson. XO
#4 The comfort of my home, car, food and security that allows me to take for granted how very
lucky I am.
#3 My health. I work hard at staying strong and the endorphins help me to forge on.
#2 The freedom to live, love, worship and speak my mind in the way that I choose. (You know I
ALWAYS have to speak my mind-and sometimes even have to have the last word!) Don't hate-
it's genetic!!
#1 The love of God, my husband and pets who try their best to keep me loved, warm and sane.
Without y'all, I would surely crack. You are the best and I love you all deeply.
#0 Wait! There's a zero?? For hot showers, flannel pajamas, good vodka, big cookies, books-how
could I forget my favorite escape?, lifesaving coffee, good linens, garlic, down comforters, scented candles, dark chocolate and automatic car starters-the gravy on my potatoes and icing on
my cupcakes. (red velvet, please!)
As I struggle thru many grey days, I have to remind myself that life is good. Challenging, but good.
We question, but do not get to know all the answers. The mystery of life is such. So we remember, and wipe away the tears. Cherish all the good things and be thankful for what you have, while you have them.
And lastly...Dane. I am thankful that I had him for 31 years. As I go thru this first holiday season without him, I am trying to be happy that I was able to know and love him. He was and is the best gift ever and I am forever changed by his life and his death. I pray for grace to accept this.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and cherish every breath you take. xo
7 months ago