Monday, October 29, 2018


On a recent Saturday morning, my Mom, cousin and 'park expert', Brian and I took a walk to the beach at Negwegon State Park.  I adore the park but hadn't visited it for ages.  Back in the day, I would jump in my old jeep with my lab riding shotgun and hit the primitive trails leading there.  I love the secluded, quiet, natural beauty.

Walking in, I saw the park through new eyes.  Brian told us the park is named after a Chippewa Indian named Chief Negwegon, and his name, translates as 'the wing.'  The Chief considered the spot a prime hunting area. I did not know that!  Being from Ossineke-'the place of the image stone'-I am always fascinated with the Native American names and history.  I like to picture a bare chested, feather head dressed  Indian brave, stalking stealthily through the woods.  But that's a whole another blog!

Our stroll took us down by the water to the shoreline that rivals an Outer Banks beach.  Wide, white sand beach as far as the eye can see, in both directions.  The waves had been high, so I didn't find any beach glass.  We took the opportunity to pick up ciggie buts and other detritus left by disrespectful visitors.  I was flooded with memories of laughing, bonfires, and beachy days.

Brian continued to point out features as we walked back to the car, making it back just before the rain started.  We stopped to snap my pic.  I totally enjoyed my literal walk down memory lane and will not wait so long to do it again.

Taking a walk in the fall, in a place you love, with people you love is good for the soul.  I can't recommend it enough.

Have a great week, Dolls. XO

Monday, October 22, 2018

Words I Hear...

The odds of winning the near billion dollar lottery was 1 to 302,575,350 last week.  But because I didn't but a ticket, my odds were even sadder.  People all over were dreaming and scheming on how their winnings would be spent.  But there was no winner, so the lottery rolled over to this week.

 Over the weekend, while visiting the fam up north, my brother suggested some gambling with decidedly better odds. Sliding into the local Eagles club, we purchased 50/50 tickets, Queen of Hearts chances, and something called Bingo Balls.  With only about 80 people in the club, our odds were pretty good.  Securing seats at the bar and procuring cocktails, we laid out our tickets and waited for the results.  The 50/50 winner was announced and we were quickly able to tear up our losers.  Something called the Queen of Hearts happened and I didn't really understand the concept.  But it wasn't my name that was called.  Next up was the Bingo Balls game.  It generally follows the bingo format with the main difference being that you must yell Bingo Balls if you get your numbers covered.  When I needed only one number, I started to get nervous.  I was informed that I had a 'hen on.'  The next number called was mine.  BINGO BALLS!  Under envious stares, I pranced up with my ticket and collected the tidy sum of $100.00.  Whoo Hoo!  Now that's what I'm talkin' about!  

In other odd news, how about the story of the dude that got run over by a lawnmower while trying to kill his son with a chainsaw?  What are the odds of  those words in a sentence describing an actual event?  And in Alaska where there are more men than women, you have greater odds of meeting your dreamboat.  Only one problem-the odds are good but the goods are odd!  Local lore says so. 

  I tell ya, I can't make this stuff up. Enough of all this odd talk.  Hope you all are lucky enough to have a spectacular week.  XO

Monday, October 15, 2018

Better Boat...

Been feelin' kind of melancholy lately.  Maybe it's the weather. I don't know..  I listened to a song by one of my favorites-Kenny Chesney and felt like he wrote the tune about me.  As if!  Read these words and ask yourself if you don't feel that way sometimes.

Better Boat  by Kenny Chesney

  I ain't lonely, but I spend a lot of time alone
More than I'd like to, but I'm okay with staying
  My how the last few months have changed
        I'm smilin' more despite the pain

     I breathe in, I breathe out
Got friends to call who let me talk about
What ain't working, what's still hurtin'
All the things I feel like cussing out
     Now and then I let it go
   I ride the waves I can't control
I'm learning to build a better boat

Yep, I'm workin' on it.  Purging junk, letting go,  ignoring negativity, practicing self care, trying to see the big picture without focusing on the small ones.

Just building a better 'boat.'  Hugs to you, my friends.

P.S.  Dig the old pic of a biker wannabe chick!

Monday, October 8, 2018

About you...

October is Depression Awareness Month.

Full disclosure-I have suffered with depression with all of my adult life.  Before being diagnosed, I just thought I was sad, moody and tired all the time.  Most days were manageable, but some days were impossible.  The sunniest of sunny days could read, dark and hopeless to me.  I simply could not explain the reason for my sadness.  An astute doctor finally recognized my reoccurring symptoms as pieces of an overall problem.  With our brains being our highest functioning organ, it can be the hardest thing to treat.  Talk therapy and the correct anti-depressant keep me quite level.  Well, relatively speaking.  And speaking of relatives, mental health disorders can run in the family.

So how should we be 'aware' of depression?  Well, we can acknowledge that having a brain disorder is akin to having a disorder of any organ-a medical situation that needs to be recognized as such.  You cannot simply 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' or 'get over it.'  It takes patience and self realization to live with it yourself, or someone you care about.

I am lucky to have been treated and feel 'normal' most days. If you or someone you love are experiencing some inconsistencies, find a good doc and get some advice on how to be treated.

Believe me-you won't be sorry.  Life's too short.  XO

Monday, October 1, 2018

Rainy Days and Mondays...

Happy October!  Yes, it's my favorite time of year-the pumpkin candles, fall leaf colors, crisp air, flannel shirts, and crock pot dinners.

This weekend while buried in a good book, 'The Perfect Mother,' I learned a new word.  As a good Norwegian girl, I was happy to learn the word, 'hygge.'  Pronounced 'HYU-gah,'  it loosely means cozy, togetherness and well being.  Scandinavian countries are known as the happiest countries on earth and have adapted to their adverse weather by using this method.  During long dark and cold days, Scands purposefully focus on physical and mental well being by snuggling in and striving for total comfort.  It may be practiced alone or with family and friends, but the focus is on feeling cozy inside and out. It is the acknowledgment of a special feeling or moment.

Waking up to a cold, rainy day today gave me the perfect opportunity to practice hygge.  I turned the furnace up a bit and then got a big cup of coffee.  I lit a pumpkin brulee candle and selected my favorite snuggly blanket and settled in to finish my book.  Instead of feeling as gray as the weather, I enjoyed a strong sense of well being and comfort.  I refused to dwell on anything negative and took a total mental break.  After a couple hours of this perfect indulgence, I felt happy and positive and ready to take on the more mundane things that start my week.

As the colder weather approaches, I suggest that you slow down and practice a little hygge.  It's free, easy and the perfect method of self-care that I know.

Happy Fall, my dears. xo