I saw an interesting bumper sticker whilst out and about the other afternoon. It read, "Why should I press one to hear it in English"? I concur. A couple of years ago, an airline mix up necessitated me going thru a refund process. My call (when that damn Travelocity gnome failed me) was routed to India-- without delay. I spent MANY hours with long conversation trying to convince the person I could barely understand that I did not wish to vacation in Key West just a day after a major hurricane--among other problems. Naturally, my paperwork got misplaced not once, but twice, before I simply gave up. To my shock and amazement, 2 full years later, I got a full refund check in the mail. Yippee! Can't help to wonder if less of a language barrier would have been helpful. Or maybe that someone local could have handled the call. Also on the off chance that someone is actually monitoring my call, say to Blue Cross, when I DO have to press one for English, I always mutter something expressing the ludicrousness of such a situation. Last I checked, this still is the good 'ol U.S of A.
Living in the greater Detroit area does make for some amusement when sitting in traffic jams, between dodging potholes. I am speaking of the considerate drivers who provide the entertainment of sporting those crazy vanity plates that one could make a career out of reading. Now, to me, a personal plate is sorta like a tattoo. Very personal. Truly a commitment--as if we need that stress. And expensive and probably more visible. The original price of those plates or paper tabs is high enough for me without adding the "personal" touch. However, not everyone shares my view, apparently. I have narrowed down some of my favorites to share with you. THNXDAD, spotted on a very sexy Jaguar. The thankful driver? Not so much. When I saw: JUICEEE, on a battered Neon, I wasn't sure, but I didn't guess it referred to the apple she was munchin' on. The same goes for CANDEEE, SEXAAY!, LUSHIS, and HOT2TROT. Ummm, okay. Wonder what the dude with JACKAZZ was thinkin'? I was truly puzzled when I spied: DMB4EVR. I could only hope that the driver stood a small chance for SOME mental growth. Then a window sticker helped me figure out that he was a rabid Dave Matthews Band fan. Whatever. Hope he doesn't change his mind anytime soon. Oh, and my favorite bumper sticker-totally tacky--but worth a giggle says, "My other ride is your Mother." I WILL be checking with her on that one!
Aside from your everyday plates and stickers, I can't help but be gleeful when I figure out a particular encoded one. Often I speed Ruby up to get a look at this person who is so proud of his hobby, child in school, or sports team. Risking a speeding ticket is stupid but I just can't help myself. I am a JACKAZZ... xoxo
2FNNY...I have that same game going trying to figure out what the hell they mean and the same sense of accomplishment when I "get it".
While I understand the why and wherefore most call centers were located over seas I still am thinking that it is one of the American jobs we used to have I am talking to.
I saw one the other day that said
GOT2GO on a suburban.
See you this weekend! Kel
I actually thought about a vanity plate for my bike once. But the expense dissuaded me. Plus I'd feel mildly like a jackas myself.
Love to read license plates. Always amazed at the creativity as well as the stupidity of some of them. Love those dogs. How cute
Hah, saw another one yesterday on a beater, TRUDAT! Nice
My HP Computer died once so I called tech support and someone named (sound it out) "Haahpoo" from India tried to help. After three hours of listening to him reading from a script I hung up.
The next day I sought the advice of a prisoner who committed his crimes with the use of a computer; he helped me resurrect my computer in no time.
Funny, I'm reading The Post-American World and from that, I gather we might as well get used to it -- and start learning Chinese while we're at it.
That's so cool about the refund. That so rarely happens in life -- money sent TO you, a zombie payment!
And the license plates -- precious. Email addresses are almost as priceless from what I've gotten via Macomb.
p.s., very cite pic., by the way!
Hey gorgeous,
Oh my God, I was laughing so hard on this one. Dumb4ever is priceless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm dying here! As for the English stuff, it really is irritating. I hate that machines do everything and to get to a person, you're stuck screaming AGENT into a machine like Frances M. in Burn After Reading.
WM-isn't it the simple things that can amuse us? Thank God. Kels, good one! Missed U this weekend. Charles-don't do it. I am sure you are enough of a statement yourself!! Rose-it's fun isn't it? Those doggies were so cute. TRUDAT!! J.R.--you have a support system with crazy, valuable knowledge, I suggest you take advantage! Erik-WM posted that we should probably get one universal language an maybe it would make things more cohesive. I dunno. YEAH,man on the refund. And I just adored the San Fran doggies. Michelle, Man, if we didn't have others providing our giggles, what would we do? I am constantly amazed and confounded by everyday dipshits! And I have been meaning to check out that movie! You are always a step or two ahead of me, Girl! Nice pic with T.W.M! I am envious of both of you silly gooses!
Hey Y'all. I can't believe I used so many exclamation points in my comments. Ick. Makes me seem even more loonie than usual. Please forgive. xoxo
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