Sunday, December 6, 2009

Eye of the Tiger....

Okay, so I gotta say something about the Tiger news. Everyone else has! I was up north for the Thanksgiving holiday at my parents' house when I heard of the accident involving Tiger Woods and his wife.

Upon first details it appeared that Tiger is such a horrible driver, that he couldn't even back out of his own driveway. The fact that it was 2:30 a.m. probably just meant that he was having a White Castle 'Crave Case' craving. Right? Then in his crazy frenzy, he forgot all driving skills except the ones he employs on the golf course. And doesn't Tiger pimp Buick's? Hmmmm. Guess the Caddy was more his style. Anyhoo, after literally knocking himself out, wife Elin comes to the rescue. She beats the hell out of the back window of the Caddy with his 'Big Bertha' club to make an attempt to extricate her husband. Yes, why wouldn't you do that (Elin 110 pounds, Tiger 200 pounds) and try to pull his heavy, unconscious body out the BACK window over a couple of rows of seats. Okaaay. Neighbors report that she was very distraught once his body was actually lying on the ground. It's not clear exactly how he got there. The vehicle damage did not appear to be 'jaws of life' worthy! Given the very private nature of Elin Woods, this must have been very hard to bear with the neighbors watching.

So now what. I know we are not supposed to judge, but it's hard when a personality sells himself as morally above reproach. Endorsements are sponsored and then based on his sterling character. People (not me!) consider his products because of this. And the numbers are reportedly BILLIONS! (billions spoken in an Dr. Evil voice with my pinky tucked into my dimple!)--both in sales and in dollars for Tiger and Elin. As she was beating the Escalade to death she was probably muttering, " Tiger, you big veenie! Vee're gonna be poor now! Vhat vill people sink?" We will have to wait and see how that all shakes out. Bye, bye Nike, Buick. etc.! Or not.

Here come the euphemisms. After all we are all only human, right? Sex has once again proved to be the great equalizer. Money can't buy you happiness. Things aren't always as they seem. Certainly, nobody's perfect. Tiger said so himself. A man is only human.

For those who blindly supposed that just because you are handsome, a spectacular golfer, a classy interviewee, married to a Swedish model, the father of two perfectly beautiful children, living in an exclusive neighborhood with bags of money--you must be satisfied. No, no and no.

In closing, I just gotta commend Tiger's spin doctors and p.r. people for having him at least tell some of the truth and own up to his errors. I maintain that if Bill Clinton would have done the same thing in the Monica thing, he would have fared much better. The public appears to be able to forgive an adulterer before forgiving a liar.

And so we carry on. My theory is like David Letterman, Tiger will be yesterdays news very soon. Thank God for all of us. P.S. Stay warm and cozy--it's gonna get COLD this week. xoxo


Erik Donald France said...

Bill Clinton did not have sex with that woman. She had sex with him, and it was only "Catholic sex." In any case, Linda Tripp was the real grotesque in that scenario. Bill was just being "Bad Bill," with bad taste and a JFK fixation -- with neither Fiddle nor Faddle at hand. I have no problem with BC, and neither does Hillary, apparently. He wasn't a hypocrite, just a dog and a lawyer. As an aside, I'll bet a thousand dollars that Obama will never have such an issue.

I also have to disagree on Tiger -- I think that this still evolving business will forever be associated with him, no matter what he does. Plus, has he explicitly admitted to anything? Nine women have, with more to come. He has been very vague. But add to John Edwards, Mark Sanford, John Ensign, and so on. It's been quite a year for such revelations. Letterman is a comedian -- which is the same as a rock star; they get passes.

The Peach Tart said...

It appears that Tiger's private and personal persona's are quite different as they are for us all. We are all in fact human.

the walking man said...

Honestly Jodi? His shit ain't none of my damn business and I don't particularly use any product because some celebrity idiot endorsed it.

But I do find it rather odd how none of these now what 7-8 women cameo out of the wood work before looking for a pull from the money sac.

Erik Donald France said...

Update from Boston Globe: "The distraught wife of Tiger Woods has reportedly moved out of the couple’s Florida manse, as her embattled husband yesterday was linked to a notorious porn star and his alleged tomcatting tally reached 10."

Charles Gramlich said...

hum, one thing for sure, a new scandal will arise.

JR's Thumbprints said...

I lost respect for "The Tiger" when the car companies were going bankrupt and he decided he wouldn't endorse Buick if they didn't "pony up."

Anonymous said...

He could of saved money if he used Geico!

Even a cave man can do it!


Michelle's Spell said...

Hey gorgeous,

Man, what a mess, huh? I'm sure he was wishing it was this time, last year. Or this time, next year. I think when you have boatloads of money, it sometimes makes it harder to have what the doctors refer to as "impulse control." At any rate, I'd be willing to try and control myself should someone want to give me some endorsements. Ha! much love to you honey, xo, bad tiny

jodi said...

Erik, I LOVE the long comment. I still maintain the truth would have set Billy free. Not that I give a hoot! Letterman is old news! Peachie, human we are! Mark-Honestly. I just wrote that for a giggle and a little irony. I could truly care less, it's just been so visable this past week. Love the 'money sac' reference. Busy as hell till after Christmas. Coffee then, O.K.? Erik(again!)-How totally gross! And yet the details just keep comin'...Charles--it's inevitable with the public's curiosity. JR-hadn't heard that one. Ben-U R a caveman! Michelle-what fun we could have trying to prove that theory! Money has never lowered my control-just made it more affordable! Same good stuff, backatcha, Babe. xoxox to all.