Me and Elle bein' fine, fresh and fierce--even for Michigan girls! These are the days we wait all winter for. Playing hooky in lake St. Clair on a Friday afternoon is a fabulous way to end the week and start the weekend. The 'dog' days of summer are upon us. Huge whoo hoo! Today is the longest day of the summer and also Father's Day.
For me, this means lemonade (with vodka), hot dogs in natural casings, cooked over the bonfire till they split. This delicacy is followed up with s'mores cooked similarly.
I tend to get up earlier and stay up later. I read looooong books quickly. I paint pictures and wear less makeup. Fresh fruits and vegetables are purchased from the local farmers market. Some dinners I serve are totally cold, and at restaurants we can sit outside. I get to dress in very little clothing or long, flowy dresses. (Think Mrs. Roper!) I am usually barefoot. I enjoy beer and potato chips, mostly without guilt. I nap with no guilt whatsoever. I bottle feed baby calves and watch for new fawns. I enjoy the vibrancy of color of my lipstick roses, as well as the heavenly scent. Lying on a blanket in the warm sand on a clear night, I can proudly spot some constellations, as well as a planet or two and shooting stars. Northern lights are a spectacular vision. I can open the window and sleep like a log. I watch the bunnies chew on the lily's in my backyard while laughing at Mickey in his wading pool. (Okay-sometimes I join him!)
I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I love summer. LOVE it LOVE it LOVE it.
Hope you enjoyed this long, gorgeous, picture perfect day. And happy Father's Day, Dad. Hope you enjoyed your day. See you soon. xoxo
I painted exterior windows on Father's Day. Meh.
I cooked on Father's Day; Not me, the food.
Now I'm prepping the yard for some garden shows.
Wow! Summer sounds so much fun there! Here we are still sweltering in 49 degree celcius!
That is a lake? Wow! I thought it was the ocean!
I think you could of fit 2 downriggers on that floater.
Catch sum fish gurl!
Summertime the livin's eazy . . . and also hot . . .
Heff, aw, what a drag. I have some to do here at my shack, too. JR-What didja cook? And when is the garden show? Mona, It truly is a glorious time of year. Oh, and Lake St. Clair IS huge--420 square miles to be exact! Ben- I don't THINK so! Getcherass to the bonfire next weekend!! Erik-don't your just know it--it's the BEST. Have a great week, and stay cool, Babes! xo
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