Sunday, December 5, 2010

My Only Wish.....

Warning: This is a public service announcement--something I do not usually use my blog for. Bear with me my lovelies....

On Thursday evening I was privileged enough to attend a Habitat for Humanity fundraiser held at the Emerald Theater in downtown Mt. Clemens.

On this frosty night, I learned upon my first visit that the Emerald Theatre is very cool. Kind of like a tired and worn, but still glamorous old gal. Founded in the 20's as a theatre, it is now a more contemporary venue for concerts and such. And it still has it's opera seating, in addition to a large bar.

The food buffet was the usual array of finger food but the real impressor (for me anyway) was the 'candy bar'. Large glasses full of all my childhood favorites were there with little brown bags and scoops to secure said treats. I stocked up on Black Jacks, M &M's, Squirrels, Mary Jane's and Twizzlers. My goodie bag and a glass of Pinot Grigio had me ready to hear the past years report and mission statement of Habitat's president.

The stats are impressive. A banker at our table said that the rate of failure of repayment on Habitat loans is zero-never a default. Habitat housed children have a higher rate of finishing high school and in some cases college. Teen pregnancies are almost none. The whole program was quickly highlighted, before two bands took the stage.

I met and inquired about an all women team of builders and plan to donate some time on a house in the near future. And yep, I bought the t-shirt!

If you are so inclined, locate your nearest Habitat office and check out donating materials, time, money or whatever. In this season of giving, I think it's a totally worthy cause.

Happy December everybody. Enjoy the season..xo


the walking man said...

A better cause than most. But because I have no faith in any non profit until I check out what their "administrative costs" are I do not donate to anything.

Wanna know what I mean check out what the red cross or the salvation-less army pays their leaders. Free housing cars cable food salaries the rich getting richer in the guise of non profit is despicable but I will look and see about HFH and then decide.

Charles Gramlich said...

Great stats. I didn't know that. Glad to hear it though.

Heff said...

Will I get pictures of you building a house if I donate ?

Mona said...

That is a good social work!

rosegarden said...

the t shirt is cool! I would love to join you on an all women team!! We did a lot work at the business so I know we would be great!!! Sorry for the spelling errors on the last post!!(dork)

Erik Donald France said...

Very cool photo, good cause, and keeping the Emerald Theatre going, too -- it's all good. And, looks fun ~

JR's Thumbprints said...

The guy I carpool with participates in Habitat for Humanity. There's a picture of him and Jimmy Carter in his horticulture classroom.

As for Emerald Theater, I haven't been there in ten years when I went to a dance recital. It was a big scary stage for a bunch of little girls showing their parents what they'd learned in dance class. Even back then they had an open bar.

jodi said...

Mark-find out any info for me? Charles-thanks for your support. Heff-I know. You are probably having the toolbelt/workboot idea going on. I'll see what I can do for ya! Mona-yes, it is. Rose-glad you like your T. Letcha know about the construction work! Erik, Had a blast for sure! JR-I was surprised to see the ol' Emerald looking like the gem she once was. Have a great week and if you are here in Detroit--drive carefully. There are idiots in Mustangs out there! xoxo