Lately I have been reading like a crazy woman. My ipad is hauled around with me and pulled out anytime I have to wait for anything. Lately it has been enjoyed at both my Dr.'s and dentists offices, de-stressing the wait time and turning it into a little 'escape'-- as much as possible while anticipating these delightful occasions.
I stumbled across an author named Lisa Genova when her book "Left Neglected" came up on a list of 'must reads' I must have read somewhere. Left neglect is an actual name of a disease that the main character suffered after an auto accident WHILE TEXTING. The story takes on a large responsibility by educating readers on the little known condition. Our brain can actually 'forget' it has a left side and will not send the normal cues out for response. We also learn how a moment of carelessness can be a very slippery slope and potentially life altering. I found it fascinating to learn of the bodies capability of stubbornly holding on to this condition and the characters determination and humor in dealing with it.
Then, as I am wont to do, I moved on to her next book, "Still Alice" that also tackles a medical condition. I had never heard of the horrifying thing known as Early Onset Alzheimer's. Again it is highly informative and very tragic at the same time. If you have ever known anyone with Alzheimer's, you already known the horror of realizing that you are losing your mind. Very heartbreaking. Makes me thankful for the health I enjoy while wondering if my forgetfulness and need for lists is something more than my usual run of the mill dizziness.
I still am uncomfortable with giving a 'real' book review. Blogfriend Charles, however, does it superbly. Let me just recommend and see how it flys. After such serious fare, I am on to a few biographies and memoirs. Don't be too impressed--this one is by Cheryl Burke and it's a welcome mind break. Anyone reading anything interesting? Would love to know what y'all are into currently. Those of us in D town are once again digging out from a winter blast. What a great time to settle in and READ!!! xo P.S. Auntie misses her precious Aeryn...xoxo
There are several varieties of "neglect" disorder that can occur after brain injury. All are pretty amazing and tell us so much about how reality is in the brain, not outside of it.
What digging out? This was just a little dusting of snow.
"Left neglected" would suck for me b/c I'm left-handed . . . Very interesting sounding books, though. I'm almost done with a book about Warhol's impact and am skimming through The Al Jazeera Effect, both good. Have a book about Iggy Pop and others in the pipeline.
I, too, am left-handed. The last book I read was "Dead Girl, Live Boy," by Michelle Brooks. I'll probably post something about it in March.
Glad you have been indulging your passion. Hope this new auther has been enjoyable. Hope you get a chance to do some inreading beach side this next few weeks!!
Charles, You're right! I learned so much from that book. Mark-yeah, right. I am SOOO over this winter. Erik-Awwww, you should never by 'neglected'--lefty or not! What's the name of the Warhol book? JR-I'm dyin to get my hands on our girl's book, too. Rose-You know I am a crazy reader. And yes, the ipad will be seen poolside, for sure!! xo Endure, dear friends, winter is almost over! xoxo
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