The sign said, "68 more days till opening day!!!" Cool. I mean hot! On this cold and snowy Sunday the anticipation of my beloved Tigers opening game warms my freezing cheekies. And, yes, I will be front and center when Detroit has it's first official audience with the 'Prince'. And by now if you haven't heard the news, the Detroit Tigers now has it's very own royalty. Not to be outdone by the Palace and the Piston's Tayshaun Prince- now the Tigers have acquired Prince Fielder in hopes that he will aid the Tigs in the run for the pennant. Oh, and I did see Prince (of purple paisley wonderment) himself at a Detroit venue a few years back, but that's a whole 'nother story...
Now here's the kicker. We acquired Prince Fielder-even his last name is perfect-for the next 9 years for the bargain price of 214 million dollars. Are you kidding me? Are we expecting P.F. to cure cancer in the bargain? Or maybe end world hunger? Despite my poor grades in math, I think that figures out to around 24 million a year. That's 2 million a month. A half a million a week. And 72,00.00 a day. Even on the days when there is no game being played. Even on the off season. Can't wrap my pea brain around it all.
Needless to say, it's gonna be an interesting scene at the 'ol ballpark this year. Personally, I think Prince could at least drop some weight just in case he doesn't slam a home run and actually has to be a base runner. Get in shape, dude, it's your job and you are being crazy compensated for it. Hell, for a reasonable fee-say 500 bucks a day-I will train your chubby butt. Or he could sign on with Nutrisystem or Jenny Craig. Do whatcha gotta do, Babe. All of Detroit will be watching.
Just hope all of us fans can afford the peanuts and cracker jacks! xo
7 months ago
I assume Fielder can field eh? I wish your Tigers well.
Not all of Detroit will be watching, most of us in Detroit will be paying still for that place he can play his little game at. (75 year property tax abatement)
Charles-thanks! It's gonna be a great one! Mark-I feel the pain. I hope somehow some of the money earned from the games comes back in some good way. Thank you dear friends for your continuing support. I am constantly honored. xo
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