So, ya wanna go a few rounds? Bring it baybee! Float like a butterfly; sting like a bee. Rope a dope and keep your eye on the bubblegum pinks, cuz yer goin' dowwwnnnnnn! Shits about to get real.
Along with being a roller derby bad ass, I've always had an interest in boxing. I love professional matches old skool style-where the fights weren't as fixed and the refs not as quick to call it. The fitness-both mental and physical required to go the distance amazes me.
Not sure how long I've been at it, but I'm guessing 6 years or so. I've read that a rookie boxer sometimes works a whole year learning one punch before he is allowed to learn another. The form is that particular. Instructor Kurt Carlos is the fourth teacher I've had and he is breaking it down and workin' us hard. He concentrates on form and will not let me hit like a girl. Along with bag work, we are sparring and moving around more which is a whole new level of concentration. Our 'rounds' are both exhilarating and exhausting. Surviving our 'match' is very empowering-and very humbling. But I love it and there's a chance I may even be improving!
In a way, boxing is like yoga for me. It's sort of like a little Geiger counter that measures where I am mentally that day. Am I up for the challenge? Can I stay motivated in the moment and concentrate on form solely? Can I tune out everything but the beat of the music and Kurt's instructions? And can I last on that last 10 second countdown?
And the best part is the end, when we bump gloves and enjoy the buzz that comes with knowing you just worked very hard. The sweat is pouring off us and water never tasted sweeter. It turns my day around, and the world doesn't seem so bad.
Thanks, Kurt. You rock. xo
7 months ago
maybe this would be something for me to try. Don't know if I can take a punch anymore.
Maybe your not such a "girl" after all. I've always liked boxers, so much better than briefs, but seriously you box, I'll street fight and when the last round is over your "pinks" may just be cryin' "No Mas No Mas."
I suggest you spar with Charles first though.
I have bigger arms then your instructor, mine are round and not as tone though. ;-) Knock um out gurl!
Charles-U should try it. It takes years before you can actually
'take a punch'. The bag work and sparring are a wonderful mind and body workout as well as a distraction and stress relief. I love it and maybe you would too! Mark-my pinks could take you, but I'd rather just hang out over coffee. Soon, my friend. xo Benjammin-He's not much to look at but he's a wonderful instructor and I hear he's a lightweight in the busch lite department! I thank you three amigos for the cool comments. xoxo
Cool, Jodi! I love the feeling of punching punching bags -- very satisfying.
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