Monday, December 1, 2014

How you Remind Me...

Happy December 01!  It is also the day recognized as "National AIDS Awareness Day".  AIDS.  Now there is something I have not heard of or thought of lately.  I saw on the news that Ryan White's Mom was here speaking in Detroit today.  I remember the plight of Ryan and his courageous attempt to educate us at a time when very little was known or understood about the disease.  I then tried to educate myself on the C.D.C. site, but was unable to find any updated stats.  I can only assume that thru education, the rates are down.  I know the medicines are much better and life expectancy is higher.

I only knew one person personally touched by aids.  Very sad, of course.  In Key West where the population is mostly gay, I have seen the ravages.  It is an absolutely horrific sight.  There is a group that helps to adopt out the many cats and dogs left behind as their owners can no longer take care of them. But that's really as close as I've gotten.

In the book, 'Fairyland, a Memoir of my Father", by Alysia Abbott, the story comes to life.  Taking place in the '70's, in San Francisco, the story Alysia tells is one of coming of age in a less that perfect childhood situation.  Being raised solely by her father, a professor and poet, she experiences early freedoms as she more or less figures out her fathers situation.  He is mostly honest about his lifestyle and Alysia thrives under his honest and loving parentage.  She reverses the roles of child and parent as she steps up as his caregiver in his final weeks.  It is a story she tells with candor and no regret.  I recommend it to anyone as a good read and a peek into a very personal life story.

Pray, as I will, that research will lead to more successful therapies and that someday we will see a cure.    xo


Charles Gramlich said...

Indeed, lets hope for a cure. A very scary disease

Erik Donald France said...

Yes! I heard Alysia Abbot interviewed on radio, very interesting. One of my sisters had close gay friends who died of AIDS in the 80s.

Have you seen 'Dallas Buyers Club?'

jodi said...

Charles-Amen, brother! Erik-Yes, and I loved DBC! Matthew M. was epic and Jared Leto stole the show. Very eye opening and entertaining. You two have a wonderful week. xo