Monday, May 25, 2015

Remember the Heros...

 On my way home from the beach house, I stopped in Port Huron at McDonald's for a bathroom

And a chocolate shake.

OKAY-and a small fry.

In line next to me was a man wearing a Vietnam veteran t-shirt.   I asked him if he was, in fact, a veteran.  He told me that he was in the Marines and served in Vietnam.  I thanked him for his service and bought him his lunch.  Whoopee-I spent five dollars and 17 cents on a man that unselfishly sacrificed for our country.  Now who's the hero?  Teehee!

He was polite and gracious as he thanked me twice.  I wished him a Happy Memorial Day and we both went on our merry way. 

Such a small gesture on my part did leave me with a smile. 

Hope your day gives you something to smile about and if not, for cryin' out loud go get yourself a chocolate shake and a (small) fry! xo


Charles Gramlich said...

Feels good to do a nice thing for someone. Well played!

Erik Donald France said...

Good one, Jodi ~! (I, too, wonder sometimes if the Purple Heart stickers etc. are real or for effect -- not long ago, there was a dude in Texas masquerading as an Army officer, motoring between two wives, until a real vet -- a cop I think -- finally busted him through Q & A.)

I've been to a McD's twice in the past few days, more for coffee on the road. . .

ciao '

Erik Donald France said...

p.s. I was trying to find something on the Texas impostor and found a different one, in Florida: "Stolen Valor? Row in Florida bar as man in uniform 'trying to pick up girls' gets aggressive when he can't answer simple questions about his basic training"

Read more:

jodi said...

Charles-it was totally my pleasure and the very least I could do! Erik-there seem to be scumbags scammin' everything, everywhere! This man was so humble and sweet and I think he was the real deal. If not-I don't even want to know! Coffee?? Get the shake and fries! Hugs to you two!!