So on Sunday four 'total blondes' braved the snowy weather to get together for Super Bowl silliness. Happy to see each for any occasion-we caught up on each others lives. We ate, we drank, and we got down with Justin Timberlake. We paid little attention to the game and a little more attention to our betting squares. I won 80 bucks! (But had to be notified of my windfall while chatting it up with the chickies!)
On cold medicine, I tapped out and called it an early night. With a foggy head and a full tummy, I snuggled in. I smiled as I thought about our get together and with a contented sigh, crashed out to sleep. I just love Super Bowl Sunday!
Upon waking up this ayem, I turned on the news and went out to get the paper-had to see who won the game. Oh wait... I won the game. A good time with friends is always a win.
Even if you don't collect 80 bucks!
Thanks to Kristin and Bob for again hosting the annual party. It was a blast! xoxo
darn that cold medicine!
Charles-it was a drag but I'm back in fightin' form again! Have a great week, isn't spring break coming soon?
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