Can you stand yet another 'simple pleasures are the best' rants?
I spent hours walking the beach this weekend. The sun was out with just enough breeze. I met a family enjoying their first Lake Huron beach vacation. The children were throwing beach balls in the water and letting the waves return them. They were children-playing with beach balls. I was touched at their old school, simple fun. The water was so warm and I spent long minutes just standing and marveling at the waves. A doe jumped out of some weeds a few feet from me and I'm not sure who was the most surprised. She ran off, but not before we actually locked eyes. She was so beautiful.
And how about my beach treasures? I found lots of sea glass including one piece of the elusive cobalt color. Crockery pieces that I like to imagine were part of some dinnerware on a ship. Then there's the heart shaped rocks that I also collect. I love to 'glass' and Saturday was a boom day.
And dinner tonight was the perfect summer dinner. BLT's with tomatoes, lettuce and sourdough bread purchased from the farmer's market. So yummy and a taste of sunshine in every bite.
Just a lazy weekend that got me all 'reset' for another busy week. How about you? How do you reset? If you don't know, may I recommend a long beach walk and a BLT?
Have a wonderful week, my darlings. XO
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