Monday, December 20, 2021

Christmas Wrapping…


Does anyone wrap gifts in boxes anymore or do we just put them in holiday bags, stuff it with tissue paper and call it good?  

I’m asking because I recently saw a meme that struck home.  It was about boxes.  The observation was, that you know you are getting old when you save ‘good’ boxes.  Now, with home delivery as it is, we have a glut of boxes available if we need them.  And I clearly remember my Mom saying, “This is a good box.  Run it to the basement in case we need it.”  I guess you just can’t be too careful when it comes to good boxes.

So today at Rite Aid I noticed some very good boxes that the stock person had unpacked.  Randy and I are preparing to move (more on that later!) and we mostly use the ubiquitous rubber tub.  But these boxes looked amazing and I snatched them up-just in case.

I’m old, I own it and I know a good, solid box when I see it.  (I think I need to get a life!)

Merry Christmas to you all sweet Dolls.  Just be sure to save those boxes!

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