Monday, December 13, 2021

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year…

I generally don't think Christmas is 'the most wonderful time of the year.'  That said, I am happy and relieved to announce that the 15th. annual, official, R.S. Dale Holiday Bash is in the books-whatever 'book' that is!

The ever fabulous Bath City Bistro once again was the location of said party.   The restaurant is one of our very favorite places and they generously stayed open on a Sunday afternoon just for us.  The wait and bar staff are the best in the business and they hustled their butts off, taking care of about 90 revelers.  We enjoyed a wonderful cocktail hour with apps as well as a delicious dinner buffet.  The desert table was off the chain and could rival any high end specialty bakery. (Thanks, Katie!)

Randy and I look forward to this event every year to enjoy our employees and guests while they can really let themselves relax and let their hair down.  And did we ever!  Much mixin' and minglin' happened while the annual R.S.Dale Reindeer Games took place.  The competition was heavy and there was cheering, moaning and groaning as well as celebrating happening as wins and losses were realized.  Fist pumping and 'Hell yeah's abounded!  (is abounded even a word?)  The evening wrapped up with some feather bowling, causing more laughs as those ungainly 'pucks' wobble down the aisle towards that tiny feather.

But best of all was the comradery of everyone hanging out as friends-and not just co-workers.  I truly hope this party fosters understanding and tolerance among everyone.  Friendship, understanding and tolerance-the true reason for the season.  (Well, that and one very important birthday!)

Peace, goodwill and blessings to all of our employees-we couldn't do 'it' without you!  XOXO

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