Monday, August 10, 2020

You Sad...

 Often, here at the jspot, I try to keep thinks frivolous and fun....BUT lately, I am finding it very difficult to stay positive while the negativity is rampant!

I am complying with the mask thing-but I honestly hate it.  I also hate how every day more doubts about the effectiveness comes to light.   Can I just hear some simple truth?  The numbers are just too subjective for me to believe.  It's a virus that will never go away.  Period.

I hate that our children will not be able to have a 'normal' educational experience.  We have created a culture of fear and robbed them of their carefree childhoods.  It's so sad.  It's awful that some of our favorite stores and restaurants will not survive.  Family businesses that will just be gone.  Depression, suicide, domestic violence, human trafficking, drug abuse-all by products of this situation.

I hate the rioting and looting and I don't care what the reason is for it.  Lives and people's livelihoods are ruined for no good reason.  Violence never solves anything and I can't believe this behavior that even an animal wouldn't do!  

I am sick to death of the political scene.  I believe the actual 'scene' is as it ever was but I hate that we cannot handle differences in opinions.  Name calling and ridiculing candidates is just bullying in it's basic form.  We all have different lives and different circumstances that make us choose our political affiliations.  And that's okay, but an we please just be respectful?  Golden rule applies once again!

Generally speaking, it seems that respect is an old fashioned notion.  No respect for anyone or anyone's property.  Judgement for everyone!  Division and entitlement!  Self-righteousness and indignation!  

And I HATE it.  Please, if you do not have anything constructive to say-please shut up.  You know what they say about opinions!  Be kind during these trying times.  XOXO

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