Monday, March 8, 2021


 Today is International Women's Day.  Huh?  Am I the first to hear this?  IWD originated in 1909, but has been unknown to me until today.   Much of this day's origins are politically based, and well, you know I won't be going 'there.'  My blog-my opinion!  I choose a much more literal way to ponder it's (true!) meaning.

In a favorite book series, Clan of the Cave Bear, we learn that women were the ones to first discover and teach men how to make a fire.  Clever thing she was with that flint rock-otherwise those dolts probably would still be rubbing two sticks together.  And her hand sewing up those little fur numbers, kept them warm and their man bits covered as well as safe from a campfire burn emergency. Very valuable stuff there.

And speaking of sewing, how about that Betsey Ross whipping up the flag we fly proudly today?   Betsey killed the game with her stars and stripes design but a man named George Washington stole her thunder.  First president, founding father, blah blah blah.  

It goes unsaid that without women to carry the babies, mankind would not have evolved.  Since nine months of pregnancy, labor and delivery are equal to a man suffering from a common cold, this would not be a good thing.  (And why isn't it called 'Womankind?)

And I am in awe of voices like Karen Carpenter, Stevie Nicks, Whitney Houston, and Carly Simon.  These women sing songs that make me smile every day.  And in the seventies, when Helen Reddy had the nerve to write and sing a song about empowered women, I was all in.  I drove my Dad nuts singing those powerful-and at the time, pretty novel lyrics.

So let's agree that one day is hardly enough to recognize the accomplishments of women.  Not to bash men-cuz I love 'em.  But at my house, without me, who would change the toilet paper roll?

I am woman, hear me roar!  XOXO


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