Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Rock Steady...

 Hi Dolls!  On a recent beach walk I noticed this big black rock warmed by the sun and had to take a seat. 

 With a view of the water, I welcomed the first day of summer.  Y'all know I love warm weather and am ready for all things summer.  Beach reads in the hammock, long walks hunting for shore treasures, clear starry nights, and hot dogs...Yep hot dogs!

I prefer mine to be cooked over the bonfire by my nephew, Matt.  (His dogs are the BEST!) They must be natural casing and browned till the skin cracks.  Hand me the whole grain bun, the stone ground mustard and the dill pickle relish and I'm happily stuffing my face!  

That's my plan.  What are you all up to?  Whatever it is, I'm sure you'll rock it!

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