Tuesday, September 28, 2021


 Fall and colder weather always inspires me to get my 'ish' together.  I'm like a bear preparing to hibernate, well, until February when we make our Keys escape.

The (sometimes) neglected yard will get the major trimming and clean up job.  Bye bye irises and lilies-see you in the spring when I will be once again overjoyed to see your buds.  Thank God I have yard dude extraordinaire, Joe, to assist with this endeavor!

As I inventory the house, most rooms need 'something.'  A light bulb here and a paint touch up there.  Here a light, there a brush everywhere a fix up.  I see decor I want to ditch and drawers I want to sort.  The garage will get a purge as soon as Randy goes hunting and can't see what I am gonna haul to the garbage.  (You don't know a thing, if he asks!)  20 pairs of sandals will be sorted and I'll lose my mind with the big decision of what stays and what goes.  

As the holidays approach I get nervous about overscheduling and need a visual paper calendar with all the events in their square.  As a total commitment phobe, have to be sure that there are lots of spaces between events.  (Also to see which ones I can bow out of!)  Doctor and dentist appointments will be scheduled.

Do you ever feel that pressure to 'nest?'  I do every fall along with the craving for a giant, caramel apple.

Enjoy whatever your plans are and here's a tip:  Nino Salvaggio's have the best caramel apples! 

Monday, September 20, 2021

Days Go By...

 In two days it’ll be fall y’all.   Sigh....

 As Michiganders, I think the weather unites us in a way.  Together we yearn for warm, summer and then commiserate when it’s too hot-or actually too humid.  We enjoy the beauty of fall and all it’s ‘pumpkin-ness’ but shake our heads with trepidation over months of cold and ice.  But then we delight at the first glittering snowfall, before wondering when it will all melt and give way to the fresh, new life of spring.  Hearty stock, we are-enduring and enjoying the changes the weather brings our lives.  I think the effects of of the seasons is a commonality that binds us.  And couldn’t we use a little binding right now?

So, I’m ready..I’ll be turning off the A.C. and turning on the fireplace.  We’ll put the boat away. 😢 I’ve begun to switch out my closet for warmer togs and I’m already looking forward to stews, roasts and the like.   It’s okay.  Change is good right?  

I would hate to see Ben Bailey pointing to the weather map and saying, “Just another 75 and sunny day, again!”  Because where’s the fun in that, right?  Right?  Sigh...

XO Dolls.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Dial P for Poison....


"Gloom despair and agony on me.  Deep, dark depression, excessive misery.  If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.  Gloom, despair and agony on me."  What does this old Hee Haw nugget have to do with me?  What has brought on this horrible funk?  Two words.....POISON IVY.

Yes, I know...'leaves of three-let it be.'  But when your favorite nephew/puppers, Quito, brings you the stick-you throw it.  Even after he has ran through the woods getting the dreaded poison ivy oil all over himself.  And maybe you hug and love on him-in a swimsuit, allowing the invisible oil to get all over yourself.  And the swimsuit situation lets the crud get on your 'nether regions' making scratching in public NOT CUTE. 

Eight days in and this crud has spread from my face to my leg and everywhere in between. I have spent $$$ on over the counter remedies.  I have researched and tried all homeopathic potions.  And now, I have officially waved the white flag.  I have a call into my doctor and I plan to beg and plead for the 'good stuff'.  Bring on a giant syringe of cortisone, I'll be happy to bend over.  I will bathe in the creams.  I will suffer the side effects of steroids.  I will do all the things to stop this misery and get my life back!  So dears, send me all positive white light for my healing.  And if you see me scratching my 'lady bits' well, blame it on Quito!

Have a wonderful week, Dolls!  XO

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Come Together...


It was a ‘labor’ of love.

Love for my family and friends.  Love for the perfection and beauty of the Huron shoreline.  Love for a saturated, sunny day topped off with a juicy cheeseburger.  Puppy love for my favorite pumpkin headed dog and the smiles he brings.

Thank you JD, Trish and Quito- you are the best!  Kirk and Sue for your spontaneous fun and support.  Y’all brought the love.

Happy Labor Day! ❤️