Monday, March 30, 2020

Believe It...

Happy Birthday to my brother celebrating like the rockstar that his is recently at the Sandbar-while grabbing some action before social distancing!  60 looks fabulous on you, Bro!

I am proud to be able to share that the R.S. Dale Company is supplying an automotive plant in Indiana with parts to build ventilators.  The plant is retooling and should be in operation by Friday.  In this time where the feelings of utter helplessness prevail, this is an amazing thing.  Kudo's to all of our employees responsible in making this reality.  Your contribution to relieving the pandemic and saving lives is something to be proud of.  We love you all.

Stay safe, eat your vegetables and remain positive.  These practices will help to keep your immune system strong.  Better days are coming.   Love to all. XOXO

P.S. a close friend that has struggled with Lyme disease for years recently remarked that she prays she doesn't get Corona with Lyme!  Love you, Sharon! xo


Lori Mess said...

What a GREAT thing to be a part of!
Go R S Dale Company! You Rock!

jodi said...

Thanks Lori, we are now providing material to four separate facilities! Randy is stressed, but proud. Miss you, Chicky! xo