Monday, October 26, 2020

Anna Sun...


As a lover of art-as well you all know, there are certain pieces that simply call your name.  Speak to you in a way that invokes memories of times, places and events.  A visual aid to your past and maybe your present or maybe just total fantasy and escapism.

Haunting galleries and discovering pieces is a hobby of Randy and mine, and from this, I have learned
the true meaning of 'art appreciation.'  I am perfectly content to admire, celebrate and dream about art without actually having to own it.

Years ago while slogging thru one of our favorite galleries, we came upon an exhibit by the exquisite Anna Sweet in her gallery by the same name.  A particular series of her work simply stunned us and we spent time questioning her process and viewing her 'Babe' series.  The group of ethereal women in water simply enthralled us.  We had a hard time choosing our favorite-they were all so spectacular.  We have visited the 'Babes' a number of times and dreamed that someday the time would be right for us to to own one.

Well, someday was Friday.  Randy decided that 27.5 years of togetherness was a perfectly good reason to indulge me and celebrate our love.   And behold. 'Tess' is on my wall-all 40"x60" of her!  And I love it.(her!)  In addition,  I also got a personal video from Anna herself congratulating and thanking us, which was thrillingly special.

Thank you to Anna for sharing your vision.  And to Randy, for years of happiness and surprises. You are THE gift and I love you.  XO

P.S.  Remember, Earth without ART is just Eh...!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

WOW! Just Wow. Beautiful. So you and here's to a magnificent love to be celebrated.