Monday, October 5, 2020

Eye of the Tiger...

 When I worked at my brother-in-law at his dental practice regularly patients would express their hate/discomfort and fear of their appointment.  But I've never minded.  Headphones, televisions, and overall good oral health makes it pretty painless for me.  And the bubble gum flavored tooth polish helps!

Doctors appointments for me usually are reason for a diagnosis or medications so if my doc isn't running an hour behind, again, I don't really mind.

Mammograms?  Never pleasant, but my girl does the whole thing in five minutes.  Bonus points for speed alone.

But last week, I had the dreaded, the once a year, dragmeinbythehairofmyhead-Eye Doctor Appointment....Yep, that's the one I dislike the most. 

There's the forms that I fill out with exactly the same info as last year.  I then am escorted to the chair where again, all info is gone over.  Same meds, same address, same insurance.  He then trots me out to measure my eyeballs.  Umm..okay.  We shuffle across the aisle where that machine blows a puff of air into my eyes, and I hate that!  Dilation is next making me look like an anime character.  

Finally the doc comes in and does his A or B.  B or C.  For about 50 times.  Then off to the contact person who does another check with and without my contacts.  (Didn't we just do that across the hall?)  At last the fun part happens.  I sit and wait until a consultant is available.  We try on a variety of styles-none of which look good.  We settle on a pair and then the pricing procedure takes place.  He tallies the damage and informs me of my 'portion.'  I slap down my plastic and await my receipt.

Two full hours later with my patience down and my hunger up, I reward myself with my guilty pleasure-Del Taco.  A bean burrito and strawberry lemonade and I'm good for another year. Gracias a Dios!

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