Monday, December 21, 2020


As I dressed up for the cold and made my way out the door, the last thing I heard was my Mom yell, "Be careful-it wouldn't be a very good time to break a hip!" Very sage advice and can someone please tell me when it WOULD be a good time for said injury?  But with Randy coming home soon, it probably wouldn't be a real convenient situation! 

When was the last time you bundled up and trudged up a big hill dragging a sled?  On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, 'the cousins' and I embraced the fresh air and headed to the legendary Manning Hill.  It was a true winter wonderland with about 10 inches of snow blanketing everything.  Hours were spent with the kids flying down the hill with shriek's of fear and joy.  And then running-yes running to the top to do it all over again. 

 As we wound up the sledding and made our way to the cars, the kids decided to make a snowman and then have a snowball fight.  I felt like we were in a Pure Michigan commercial!  With wet mittens and rosy cheeks, we finally packed it in.

Thanks to Brian, Carter, Lila, Nikki, Emily, Ethan and Evan for all the fun. What an amazing and total escape; stress and worry be gone!  I got back to Mom's all relaxed and grateful for the time spent with the kids. 

 And I am happy to report that both of my hips are intact! Mother (still) knows best! XOXO

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