Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 "Patience is a virtue-cultivate it!"     Nancy Vam  (Mom)

If I am not the most impatient person you know, I'm surely in the top two.

All my life I have struggled with this character flaw.  My Mother's words were repeated often growing up and I still hear her voice almost daily as my frustration is possibly mounting over one thing or another.  

But Jodi, aren't you a yogi and bang on about the benefits of meditation?  Yes, and yes.  I will also add that 'patience' has been part of my New Year's resolutions for about, say 55 years or so as well as almost a daily prayer request.  

And neither fervent petition has worked.  Not even a little.  I still hate to be kept waiting and stand there shifting foot to foot while snorting quietly out of flared nostrils.  It's embarrassing and does nothing to speed along whatever has me waiting.  And the look is not even a little cute....

My dear friend and cousin Dayna recently had an amazing insight to my efforts to grow or somehow be bestowed of the virtue of patience.  As a fellow impatient person, Dayna thinks that all my begging is futile and I should just accept the whole flared nostril effect as a part of my personality.  I was born with  it and hence, it's meant to be.  Hmmm.mmmmmm.mmmm

The 'virtue' part of patience is described as "behavior showing high moral standards."  Okay, I'm all about high moral standards, I think that part is easy.  But the patience thing?  Please pray for me...

Just do it QUICKLY!!   XOXO


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