Monday, November 1, 2021

I Want it All...

 Happy Halloween! (I know-I'm a day late)

I love Halloween and always have.  Growing up up north, Halloween was like a religion and I did it all!  Pumpkins, yard decorations, bar parties, haunted houses, passing out candy, antagonizing over the perfect costume-the whole shebang.  I even met my hubs at a bar party, while dressed as Cat Woman.  But that's a whole another 'tail!'

I now live in a house that gets no little beggars, I don't decorate my yard (where do you even store those giant blow ups?) and I haven't carved a pumpkin in about a hundred years.  I hate haunted houses as well as scary movies.  And I truly do not get any adrenaline rush from being scared.  At all.

But I still love to dress up.  You wont find me being scary or ugly.  I prefer to use costuming as a chance to live or relive some fantasy.  Pictured above, a few years ago, I was Britney Spears post breakdown.  And on Saturday night without a plan in sight, I got inspired and was having a serious F.O.M.O.-that's Fear of Missing Out-if you didn't know.  I scrounged up a Sandy-from-Grease-during-the-last-scene- look.  I grabbed up my sometimes partner-in-crime and went out for a bit.  And I got my 'fix.'

And I'm all good for another year.  Happy November-bring on that bird!   XOXO

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