Approximately 4 years ago my son called me with the exciting news that He got a puppy! Dog lover in me got squelched while Mom in me said, "What? Your apartment does not take pets!" Minor detail. He went on to say that he had "rescued"--read stolen-this puppy from a short life of abuse and neglect from Detroit's inner city. Seems that the said pup had been spotted at a local party store feasting on pizza crusts and chicken bones, hardly the approved diet by Purina and others! There was also an occasion where it was witnessed that an accident was almost caused by said pup happily and cluelessly wandering down the middle of Conant. Upon his "rescue" he was appropriated with the rather royal moniker of McNicols F. Conant, honoring the area of his birth. We'll call him Mickey. The F. can be left up to your imagination. Freebird, on good days. Now if the stats can be believed, there are 1 pit bull dog to every 2 residents in the city of Detroit. That seems crazy but even if the number was 1 to 5, it would still seem like an unbelievable ratio. Pit bull and their mixes have been a big problem, and can be seen roaming in packs in areas of the city. Most are bred for fighting and for use as guard dogs, others just abandoned. So back to Mickey. He is a smallish brown pit bull mix with sweet brown eyes and a 1 ear up and 1 ear down thing going. Probably hit in the ear at some time, but He seems to hear just fine. Especially when the refrigerator door is opened, or the treat box is shook. It gives him a perpetually quizzical look that is totally endearing. Coupled with his five o clock shadow, Mickey is the epitome of Ghetto Terrier, which we lovingly have coined his "breed". The apartment manager was a softy and generously bent the rules for his newest little inhabitant. Who could resist such a tale of woe? Three years later The Mickster is TEMPORARILY residing with me in the big house and taking his strolls down the Metro walking trail. A real George Jefferson is he. And I couldn't love it more. Mickey guards me like a hawk, but would only lick to death any real danger. The bond with Black Betty was immediate and He loves riding with the wind in his fur. Mickey has proved himself very tolerant of children and other animals. Since Lola kitty is the queen (no offense Aretha) around here, it was imperative that He learn his place. That place being curled up with her in front of the fireplace or any sunny spot on the carpet!! Bliss to be sure. Everything that I have ever heard about mutts (ouch!) temperament, loyalty and such have been proved over and over with our Mickey. Guess all I can say is please don't hesitate to adopt a pet from Humane Society or where ever. You won't regret having such a loyal and loving pet. P.S. Prescription strength Singular alleviates those pesky allergy symptoms!!! xoxox
8 months ago