I love the Carpenters. There, I've said it. Karen Carpenter had one of the best voices ever-to me anyway. But it wasn't just that clear sweet voice; it was her lyrics. Karen sang of love-not sex and her song, 'Superstar' and still can tear me up with it's raw longing. When Barry Manilow sings 'Even Now' or 'Mandy', it's impossible not to recognize the love and desire in his words. Diana Ross put her undying love right out there when she proclaimed that there 'Ain't no Mountain High Enough,' to keep her from gettin' to him. Now that's a whole lot of climbing and swimming! When Bob Seger sees the 'young hawk flyin' I sigh and clearly recognize his need for freedom. Hearing George Michael vowing his dedication in, 'Father Figure,' used to make me dream of someone having my back that hard. The raw passion and romantic images that some of my favorite artists conjure up for me take me to places far away- nostalgic, dreamy places.
Such a contrast to much of what is on the radio now. Between backin' it up, droppin' in low, gettin' sexed up, and worse, we'll, you get my drift. I miss the romance and passion from my old crony musicians. Now, I'm no prude. I'm a huge Prince fan and nobody did the explicit any better than him-rest in peace. I've hauled my 'American thighs' to the AC/DC show, fist pumped with Kid Rock and have seen Madonna 5 or maybe 6 times. I want to go party with Pitbull in Miami-hey, a girl's gotta have goals! And I love Barry White and everything he stands-or lays for.
So I betcha you'll never guess who I want to see next... Give up? TOM JONES. Yep, he's on my list-at the top. It's where I'm at these days. No judgment or comments from the peanut gallery.
8 months ago