By request, props Marty dear, I have to let y'all in on my fabulous and locally famous, shoe collection. And no Mart, you cannot steal the green and black patents! Yes, it is a fetish-- it's mine and I own it. Hey, for the most part, ya gotta wear 'em every day anyways, right? I cannot resist and am rendered totally powerless to their allure. Just the sight of 'em makes me weak in the knees, while raising my heart rate to fat burning mode! Zeroing in on the perfection warrants a sharp inhale and pursed lips. Your comin' home with me, Baby, I've been known to coo. Or as Carrie on Sex and the City would say, "Hello, lover." And can we talk about the smell of good leather? Woozy. Oh, and the feel of it too. Slippin' into 'em and I can envision the total outfit and occasion where wearing them would be appropriate. As transporting as chocolate and sex, I tell ya! I've got boots in Italian leather, long and short, chunky heeled to spike. Cowboy boots in 4 colors. Pink mucklucks. Hell, the only reason I look forward to fall and winter is the whole chocolate suede of it all. The long, cold season simply warrants a varied selection, as long as they are warm and CUTE. But mostly just cute. Closed toe pumps with patent and bows can warm my heart as well as a hot, buttered rum by the fireplace. Sometimes I have said cocktail with JUST my sexay shoes by the fireplace--a little situation that warms someones elses heart! Hey, I do what I can. And with these long Michigan winters, it's imperative that the selection be just massive.. Ahhh, but then comes the spring, (eventually). Who Hoo for pedicure time! Mr. Lee keeps the tootsies fit for viewing. Little peep toe wedgies and pink jeweled heels, polka dots with rattan soles, maybe some marabou trim. Patent leather and leopard print. Thong styles and strappy types. All with giant heels. Hey, I am only 5'3", and I need all the help I can scare up. Which brings up the point that shoes are not nearly so fickle in the size department as say, a pair of jeans. I've never been brought even close to tears(only happy little ones) by trying on a pair of Franco's. Shoes stay faithfully the same size give or take a little for a good bloat here and there. So here's a picture of my say 60 favorites so as to give you a visual aid. Don't offer therapy--I don't want it and it won't work. Unless you want to get a pedi and hit a DSW!!! xoxo
8 months ago
Cute shoes
Can't relate to the shoe thang, but U know I dig Yo blog!
I'll holler!
The Canyon Street Warrior
New Balance cross-trainers are my thang.--Justine Henin
Shoes! What a women's perogative to have as many as she can stand. There are never enough black shoes for one's wardrobe. Many an outfit have been built around an amazing pair of shoes. Don't forget the fun of the hunt for the bargains!! The best show is even better at a great price. Love those racks of shoes my dear!!
Oh my God, I LOVE these shoes! Woman, that closet is to die for!
#*ck the shoes. That that "spell" chick is hot! At least on that picture.
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