At boxing class last week I had to once again remind HottyToddy (our instructor) that I do not have the chutzpah to do a thousand burpees. Yes burpees-the bane of my existence. You know, those torturous moves that start innocently enough and then work into a push up and then a jump up. Fuggitabout it! First off my old lady bladder does not allow for that much jumping and will send me off to the ladies room p.d.q. And secondly, I feel it's time to honor my spine. Try as I might to watch my form, burpees still hurt my back. And besides, what boxer bothers with the damn things anyway? I'd rather hit the bag, and run a sprint.
Or eat pizza. Yes, eat pizza. And then maybe 'burpee' a little.
Have a great week and remember to honor your spine or whatever hurts on your body these days. This getting older stuff is not for sissies! xo
8 months ago
Honor the spine. My new mantra!
Pain is--that is all i have to say about that. What the hell is a burpee--must Google. Need a laugh.
Happy Summer, Jodi ~ burpees or no burpees ~ or an Irish bap, for that matter ~ Huzzah ~ !
Charles-Isn't it grand? Mark-one word for you-etouffee! xo Erik-I love summer! And a hug to you! Blessings for you old hotties! xo
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