Berry Manilow has a wrinkle. And no amount of Retin-A or Botox will fix him!
Recently it was discovered that someone had thoughtlessly hit the back of my truck! The tail light is smashed and there are some scratches that mar the perfection of my dear Berry.
Somehow, if I would have crunched my ride, I would feel differently. No one will say that I'm the best driver-and I own my vehicular foibles. But knowing that someone else hit the back of Berry and just drove off, truly irks me. I just would never do that! Witness my little story below...
One time at Target when the wind got ahold of Rocky Balboa's (my Mustang) door and I hit the truck next to me. I assessed the dom-ahje (that's french, you know!) and trotted over to the front desk to have an announcement made regarding the new dent. Shortly, a young woman came up to the front to answer the announcement. I explained and was able to take her out to inspect her truck. Upon looking at her dent, she told me that her brother owned a bump shop and could easily fix it for her. She thanked me and would not accept my offered money. She did however; accept a grande Starbucks latte along with my thanks for her understanding.
Berry Manilow is slated for a day at the spa where that nasty blemish will be fixed. And I will always remember the kindness of a stranger.
Have the 'kind' of week that includes honesty, tolerance and understanding. Hey! Barry should write a song about it! XO
8 months ago
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