Kwaranteen Kwizz!
WHAT DO YOU DO TO ESCAPE THE NEGATIVITY? Well, I am fortunate enough to be able to boat and fish and enjoy a beer while watching a seaside sunset. (say that three times, fast!)
READ ANY GOOD BOOKS LATELY? Averaging one every three days. My Dark Vanessa was fascinating.
NEWS SOURCE? Tucker Carlson-of course. I live in the logical world.
GUILTY PLEASURE? Cat videos and I'm not the least bit guilty. (Shannon, did you see the one where the kitty.....blah, blah blah.....
IRREGULAR BEHAVIOR? Watching Netflix with popcorn and wine at three in the afternoon!
NETFLIX SERIES? Discovered what binge watching is with season 3 of Ozark.
BEST QUARANTINE MEMORY? Landing a permit. It's a fish-pic to follow soon!
BIGGEST HASSLE? Cooking. Why does he (Randy) always have to eat?!
WHAT DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Dining out! See above question!
BIGGEST MENTAL DRAIN? The lack of freedom and spontaneity.
DREAM QUARANTINE PARTNER(s)? The Rock with a side of Jason Mamoa! Hopefully they will not notice my 'quarantine beauty'-roots, uni-brow, 10 extra pounds, ratched pedicure.....
That's it. BUT with all due respect to those that are truly suffering, dying, scared and lonely-I am truly sorry and hope this is behind us soon. The seriousness of the situation does not escape me and I do not wish to offend anyone. I bow to health care workers, doctors, nurses and all essential workers. I realize that I am currently beyond privileged in my confinement.
But you have to laugh a little, right? These are some pretty surreal times and the Rock and Jason may be here any minute. Hey, a girl can dream.....
8 months ago
It is a rough life, this quarantine thing. This is not my first go round. That would have been when my sister had Scarlet Fever in the 50's.
It is good you got "stuck" in a place you truly like--it's all good even if the old man has to eat. But seriously Tucker Carlson? I have to draw the line.
Mark, I forgot about Scarlet Fever! How long was the quarantine? Is there a vaccination for it today. Edjamacate my dumb ass. Tucker rules!
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