Tuesday, July 13, 2021

My Best Friend...

 So I had another birthday....Here's what (gasp!) 63 looks (and feels) like..


B12 shots have replaced jellybean shots.  What the hell were we even thinking, drinking ouzo that was SET ON FIRE?  The very thought makes me reach for the Tums..

I have missed the endings of any movie that started after 8:00 p.m.  And I barely care.

My spike heels are donated in hopes some other chick can walk in them without fearing a broken hip or being jolted awake with searing leg cramps.  Those kicks have served me well.  Strut your stuff in them fiercely and with pride, Dolls.

My ears are doing weird shit-everything sounds too loud.  Much of the time, Lux D. Lux's bangin' stereo is a waste as I prefer to drive in silence.  And you know what they say, 'turn the music down-I can't think.'  So very true.

I am very excited about cozy throws..you know, those soft lap blankets that you have on your lap more for comfort than warmth.  Comfort is very important to little old ladies!

I need to consistently keep lists and paper calendars.  Not because I'm type A or an organizational freak.  But because I have to.  The stress of 'where's my phone, keys, Lux, etc. is exhausting enough without the strain of trying to remember specific dates.  Brain fog is no joke, kids.

Luckily with my advancing dotage, I just don't care.  It's a bonus, really.. I'm good with it.


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