Wednesday, August 10, 2022

The Motto…

 It's National Book Lovers Day and you don't know a bigger book lover than yours truly!  I started out young as a total bookworm  and haunted our little towny library regularly. I loved Nancy Drew and got a hardcover every Christmas and could be found curled up all day devouring the latest mystery along with a handful of Christmas cookies.  Books will always be my favorite gift.

These days I cannot stop hoarding books.  I have them stacked all over the house with every intention of reading each and every one.  A good story is my stress relief, relaxation and escape and given my druthers, (what the heck is a druther?) I'd sit all day and read my heart out.  I once said 'never' on an e-reader, but I admit to loving it.  I can blow up the font and adjust the light for those nights I can't sleep-or would rather read.  I still buy the old school books, too.  Mysteries, True Crime, Biographys, Memoirs, Fiction and Non- I love them all.

I love to chat with fellow bibliophiles and share us our latest reads and if I wasn't such a commitment phobe, I'd join a proper book club.  Sigh....

So, has anyone read any good books you'd like to recommend or discuss?  You know where to find me- with my book and a glass of wine-hey! Gotta honor this special day! 

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