Okay, so I'm not a modest person. Never have been. No shock to anyone who has ever known me for more than five minutes. Those rules happen to be ones I personally didn't get to vote on. Now, I am not saying that I am an exhibitionist, (well-l-l-l-l-l) but I just didn't grow up with any body shame. We thought our bodies were beautiful and thus had healthy body images. Our house was plenty large enough for the five of us, but with only one bathroom, there wasn't much room for shyness or modesty. Or much else, really. But we made it work. Our twa-lette was surrounded with that thick distorted glass block so you could do that business in relative privacy. A regular bathtub and shower with a non see thru curtain. We had a double sink with a large mirror that easily accommodated two. And it was not unusual for all of us to be runnin' in and out of there at the same time. It was a synchronicity that Dancing with the Stars couldn't have choreographed. Even with an attempt at a hygiene schedule, inevitably, it would end up getting crowded. We did our best at preserving decorum, but it wasn't easy. Dad was in boxers, and Mom maybe a bra and half slip. Very cat on a hot tin roof-ish. And glamorous to boot. The rest of us possibly just wrapped in towels, or underwear. Everybody just efficiently takin' care of business. So what's the problem? I didn't think there was one till friends stayed over and maybe bore witness to some of the "family bathroom tango". Apparently in some families, robes were always worn by all just in case someone should get a peek at someone else. Whoo. I think Adam and Eve had the right idea, and it must have been a much more temperate climate in Eden--but still. Then that damned old snake had to go and ruin it for the rest of us. Demureness and reticence was born. (okay! I Wiki'd it.) That's not so bad, but what I really hate is the shame that was spawned. Our bodies are natural and should be viewed as such. Angelia Jolie is getting shit for nursing a baby in public. What? Isn't that what the "fun bags" were meant for? I got some of those same looks when I nursed my son. Curiosity--okay, disgust--not. Even in the art I favor, there is a bit of a theme. I mean, a bowl of fruit, some cute puppies, or a lovely reclining nude? Again, anyone who knows me will say that I prefer the nudes. Nude nail polish? Nude hosiery? Nude wall color? No way jay. Don't be crazy,baby. But a little skin, if it offends no one, in my own space, should never be a problem. That's just me--doin' what comes naturally......xoxo
8 months ago
When I was a kid with friends over, we always had to be cautious of my dad (who worked midnights) walking through the house in his underwear. Not a pretty sight.
Jodi, it's funny how, in this country, violence is OK, but you can't see any nudity anywhere...might just destroy the very fiber of the nation, you know.Guess thta's what happens when the country is founded by Puritans.
I never liked wearing a het until my hair started to fall out.
Scott, I have considered that! Crazy shit when violence is considered the norm but a naked breast warrants an R rating. WTF?
Well there sister, that is one hot photo... I suggest blowing it up to an 8 x10 and framing it for Randy's desk for Christmas!
Uhhhh Jodi...leave the hat on, remove the chair. nyuk nyuk nyuk
When I think of that song, I think of "9 1/2 Weeks" with Mickey Rourke and Kim Bassinger. The sound tracks pretty cool too. Joe Cocker, the Mad Englishman, get certainly belt a tune.
Hey Jodi,
you're right on. I also prefer a lovely reclining nude to a lot of things that pale in comparison ;->
(Well, I'm a quarter French and a quarter Swedish, so see European attitudes as a good thing, and have nothing good to say about the Puritans . . .)
Three cheers!
you look great in hats. Good thing!! Have fun Girl!!!
the glass blocks are still there, have since removed the second sink.(the one you filled with blow dryers and curling irons)one thing less for wonder woman to keep clean. keep up the great work...hope to see you soon. steve
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