October greetings to you all! I came across a really strange, but fun website the other day while mindlessly surfing around. Being that it is October with all things fall and Halloween, I thought I'd share. It's called "The Vampire Name Generator". Crazy, huh? Apparently there are alot of people that feature themselves vampires or just need a name for playing those kind of weird role playing games. Hmmmm. You just plug in your name (amidst lots of little flying bats), and it comes up with a name from "The Great Archives." Now, I have never considered myself vampire-like in any way, but this is too cool. Maybe I actually have a dark side! Curiosity almost killed this kitty, and I gave up my name. The all knowing vampire powers came back with this alter identity for me. It read like this: The Great Archives have determined that you have gone by the identity: Empress of the Night, Known in some parts of the world as: Aphrodite of the Banat, The Great Archive Record: A true child of the night, making merry of the everything that is light. Hmmm. Apparently I was a love goddess! in some minor region of Transylvania that skipped around all night and laughed at all that is light. Yowza! Hope that didn't include lite cottage cheese, salad dressings, fudgesickles, etc. Or maybe those are not concerns of a vampire. All that roaming about all night and blood diets probably keep you skinny! Also on this web site a similar search provides you with your "fairy name". Way more my style I figured, so what the hey. Turns out my fairy name is: Tangle Rainbowshimmer. Well, now. It goes on to also include these facts: She is a fortune bringer. She lives in the bottom of tangled gardens and in hedgerows. She is only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom. She wears tangled dresses of multicoloured petals. She has multicoloured wings like a butterfly. Okay, then. Like making your horoscope--and I rarely read that--fit, by the same method, I will translate my fairy name. As a retired hairdresser, the tangle part is appropriate.Don't know about that fortune bringer thing, but I do feel fortunate, overall. And Rainbowshimmer is so me. Sort of an homage to all my gay friends! And I covet shimmer like a raven, and tend to want to take anything shimmery, back to my nest. If you have ever seen my garden it is most definitely of the tangled sort. I love spring and await my lillies and tulips , so that makes perfect sense to me. And multicolour? Anyone who knows me realizes my extreme love of COLOR!! Ah, what simple fun. Go ahead and try it for yourself. The website is: emmadavies.net/vampire. Or just look up The Vampire Name Generator--just make sure it's the exact one, cuz I tried another and it wasn't as detailed. Let me know YOUR vampire and or fairy name and if you think it in any way applies. I would consider being Aphrodite of the Banat or Tangle Rainbowshimmer for Halloween if I didn't already have my heart set on Beth the Bounty Hunter. What do you think of all this? xooxo
8 months ago
Anything short of Vlad the Impaler would simply be unacceptable. Still, I am curious.
BTW, a "Baby Blog" is just that: a blog with baby pictures ... the whole nine yards ... from cradle to grave I suppose (if you follow it that long).
Love the pics of our favorite poo!! I think you covered all the major color groups in your house!!! Orange, pink, brown, blue, hot pink, silver just to name a few. Thanks for bringing such beautiful color to my life.
Vampyres and Faeries. What no gypsy's?
tramps and thieves? Luv your old style spelling. Did you try it WM? You are probably "Strolling vampire with flowing hair and wicked pen!"
Hey beautiful,
Beth is a great costume! And damn that vampire hunter is scary - -Josette is one of my alter ego character names. Sweet Lord -- Venus is also my astrological planet. As for a violent and needy spirit, I plead guilty sometimes. xo!
The Great Archives determine you to have gone by the identity:
God of Night
Known in some parts of the world as:
Erebus of Wraiths
The Great Archives Record:
A needy and violent spirit.
Yeah that's me all right Jodi.
Hey Jodi girl... well curiosity got the best of me and I just had to find out what my vampire and fairy names are. The Great Archives determined that I have gone by the identify of: Sultana of Night. Known in some parts of the world as: Aphrodite of Reykjavík. The Great Archives Record: Amongst fire and ice, one who is hot and cold. As for the fairy information: My fairy is called Thorn Hailshimmer. I am the protector of the lonely. I live in brambles and blackberry bushes. I'm only seen when the first flowers begin to blossom. I wear purple and green like berries and leaves. I have cheery turquoise wings like a butterfly. Now the interesting thing is when I put in my maiden name and first married name (Hogan) into the fairy website, everything was exactly the same as when I used Dale. However, when I did that in the vampire website, I got different names. Interesting stuff!
Jodi, I did the vampire name thingie. My name would be Aelfric Brown, known as Devil of Bats and Shadows, slipping amongst the shadows, flitting between dark places, always quiet.
I do like the devil of bats and shadows part, and I can be stealthy when I want to be, but always quiet? Not me, lol.
What's even funnier is when I put in my actual first name( Scott is my middle name, which I go by-long story), and it came up with Will Brown, Devil of Seducers(!), beautiful, hiding great power, great danger. Well, in my bachelor days, I would have liked to consider myself a seducer, but never on my best day could one ever call me beautiful!! :)
Thanks for the site, it was fun!
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