Yes, it's April in the D! I love it, I love it, I love it! My Sergeant cherry tree is in full, glorious, pink lusciousness bloom. Resembles a spraying champagne bottle which is always is a good thing! The Red Wings pulled off a win and the Tigers had a wild game with a kick ass come from behind win! Whoo Hoo boys, keep it up! Detroit sports rock my world!
Did ya send in your census? Was dreading doing mine, but finally stopped procrastinating and found out the damn thing took about 5 minutes to fill out. As most things I don't like to do, the worry is worst than the work. Taxes are next, which reminds me of the absolutely cool sight I saw down on Gratiot the other day. The Liberty Tax people are really pulling out all the stops. They had not one, not two, but count 'em THREE rather zaftig women dressed as Ms. Liberty, shoulder to shoulder doing a very spirited can-can. Nearly drove off the road and cracked my mug smiling! Only in Detroit...
On April first--a rather balmy day-- when buying produce at Kroger's, I witnessed 2 chickies in full on bikinis and flip flops! No April Fool's Day! Yes, said ladies grabbed a cart and much to the amusement of everyone, selected their groceries. It was so gorgeous out that the 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' rule was bypassed. That or the fact that THEY were also gorgeous! Thought I was back in the Keys for a minute. Again, only in Detroit...
Sleet on Friday, hot sun on Saturday. It's all good with me cuz it's April in the D! Celebrate, friends....xoxo
We've got a lot of beautiful plants blooming around our place. I'm sure Lana will soon have photos up.
Now I know why my wife doesn't take me to Krogers! Have they open another massage parlor nearby? Only kidding ...
have you seen the prices of the Mexican produce at Krogers lately? WTF!!!
Of course if two chicks in Bikini's had been shopping while I was there I may not have noticed that a single green pepper was a buck thirty eight.
The can=can, now that's the way to inspire taxes and census returns.
Cool shot. Glad that April is not always the cruelest month . . . though the crazy part is still left (all those nut-anniversaries) to come.
Here's to bikini season in Detroit!
We love April in the D!! Go Wings and Tigers.
Charles, you guys are probably months ahead of us. Go Lana! JR-Wifey knows best! No massage parlor, but I see a new salon has opened in the plaza. Now if they would just do something cool with the old Sears store! Mark-Produce is high, but I buy it anyways. (sigh)U would have gotten a kick out of the chicks, I promise you! Erik-Yes, agree. April is a cool month that eases us into a cool season. Martini's and bikinis, I say! Rose-U got it Babe! xo to all. I lubs ya!
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