Happy day after the Super Bowl! Two fabulous parties later, I'm looking forward to a nice, quiet day. Not really a big football fan, I usually mindlessly root for the team that has the coolest colored uniforms or the team that gives me the best odds in the pools. And I look horrible in green, so the Steelers were my team. But wait! With Troy Polamalu (that name is soooo fun to say!) and Clay Matthews, there is HAIR to consider! Whoo Hoo--now your talkin' my language! Grown men in spandex and flowing locks. Certainly a trend to consider..And the Black Eyed Peas rocked the half time. Finally a musical show not featuring an old, tired band. When I had the pleasure of attending the Super Bowl in Detroit, the Rolling Stones were the entertainment, and they have most definitely have gathered moss. I know. As usual, I am a waste of a ticket. The game did not disappoint and I won 150.00 smackeroos on the betting squares!! Never mind that it cost me 100.00 to do it!
Sooo, what a perfect day to prematurely indulge in the little known 'holiday' that is 'celebrated' on February 09, called "Reading in the Bathtub Day"! I was very chagrined when the jets on my Jacuzzi did not cooperate in making massive bubbles and foam. I had my heart set on a Mr. Bubbles soap beard and afro for my pic. Drat! But you get the drift..
Drifts! Survived the blizzard with very little effort. With the fireplace on and pets layin' on me, we snuggled in and watched the snow globe that was our backyard. Denzel Washington stayed snug in the garage till all was plowed the next day. I had a memories flashback when being reminded of blizzards up north as kids. I will tell of those times in a later post.
Have a warm, happy week and stay 'up' as these gray days of winter are upon us. You can always read a good book in the bathtub. Bubbles preferred. xxoo