Oh, yes, I can... In Marathon, Florida today I met this cool French Bulldog named Hammer, at a tiki bar while enjoying peel and eat shrimp and a lime drinky thingy. Apparently he is a regular at said bar and actually arrived by boat with his owner-- on the front like a giant hood ornament. In the Keys it is very common to see dogs, cats, and even chickens wandering around restaurants. And I love it. And can I tell you, this dog had his swerve on!! I couldn't take my eyes off him as he strutted his stuff on his way to his normal table. All the waitresses and bartenders called out to him by his name. As a crazy animal lover, I just HAD to meet him. Turns out this big boy, all 165 pounds of him, is a total cream puff. He allowed me to pet and hug up on him. I ran my fingers thru his face wrinkles and smoothed the fur on this knotty head. He gave me a kiss and posed for the photo. (sort of!) After he was properly fawned over and treated to some fish, he took his coolness back out and got in his boat and motored off into the sunset. Kind of a canine rock star that did 'ol baggy pants, MC proud.
I will be here enjoying the pleasures of the Keys for five weeks, doing a remodel project on the condo, so get ready for more 'paradise updates'! My own personal 'Hammer Time!' Makes ME feel like a rock star... xo
"I will be here enjoying the pleasures of the Keys for five weeks"
So what you are saying Jodi, lovely Jodi is that you have an underlying streak of sadism?
a new friend is always good to find.
stay out of the bars and get to work. i will be there soon and i want the work done so r can fish... he needs the therepy. cant wait to get there. see you soon...steve
that is a wonderful picture!
Florida must be pleasant these days! Enjoy!
Chance said "You better not nuggle with him!"
If so, he is calling Jeffrey Fiedo for his dogforce papers!
Mark, yeah buddy, you know me too well, however, I will NOT be getting as wild as you did back in the day. Charles-I've never met a dog I didn't LOVE. Steve-we r gettin' er done and can't wait for you to get here. Mona-it IS gorgeous here! Chance-I wouldn't dream of cheating on you. AND your Daddy cracks me up.. Love to all. xo
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