And this upcoming week promises more of the same. I actually have get togethers Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights, with my family coming in on Friday and a cocktail get together later that night! Whew. I have to admit that I love holiday parties, but this is crazy! I am looking forward to seeing Mom and Dad and having a quiet time at home. Wine, food, church and chillin' will be the order of Christmas at this ranch! Mom has already promised to bring my favorite cookies!
Mark (Walking Man) posted recently a piece called "The Twelve Stanzas of Christmas", that made me ponder all this craziness. I am very lucky to have family that I love and want to spend time with. I am grateful to have all creature comforts and money to donate to try to help those who don't. I will indulge in all things food and drink, realize the bounty and worry about the damage I've done later. In conversations with friends, family and work co-horts, I will listen as much as I speak. I will enjoy the wonder of the season thru children's eyes. Mom and I will participate in Mass on this most reverent day. I will not take the love of friends and family for granted and will try to make more of an effort in those relationships. The Christmas season will remind me to be more loving, and compassionate to those struggling with life-be it addictions, money problems, relationship issues, etc. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
Enjoy this week however it suits you. And remember the reason for the season. Much love my muchachos! xoxo
And may you enjoy every minute of your Frank Sinatra (I Did It My Way) holiday. It sounds a bit too busy for me but then you're still just a kid.
I was telling Lana how lucky I felt that we didn't have a whole lot of parties and family get togethers to go to. I need my alone time.
Looking forward to having a few drinkies with you too!!!! Got a Christmas party on Tuesday as well. Looking forward to a weekend of parties with family for Christmas!!! Give my love to Nancy Doug for me!!!! Have a wonderful holiday!! save me some homemade Christmas cookies!!!
Jodi, thanks for this wonderful post, a wild year to remember ~~ Merry Christmas, Happy 2012 and more fun in the new world ~~!
Mark, You crack me up with the Frank thing!! It was busy, but I took it pretty easy. A kid? C'mon, I'm an old broad! xo Charles, I am fortunate enough to have plenty of quiet time, so the parties were fine. I am glad for the new year to start and things to slow down. I really do prefer it that way too! Rose-it was so good to see you. I have lots of cookies left, stop by and eat 'em up for me, will ya? Erik-Awww, thanks. You are sweet. 2012 will be fabulous, especially if I get to see you! *** to all of you, Merry Christmas. xoxo
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