I read recently in an AARP (what the hell do they know and how in the world does this apply to me?) column that suggests '50 things you should not do after the age of 50'. And right off the top I am guilty of two heinous offenses. Last week while rollerskating, I fell down in a half split that looked much the same as the picture of the lady in the article. All pell mell, looking like a deer on an icy pond, I skinned my knee and likely pulled something in my groin. Nice. Will I heed advice and learn some lesson from AARP advisors of all things old age? Not likely, as I plan to take my new skates out again-this time at a roller rink without curbs and rocks. My second offence was not nearly as detrimental. Jello shots. The article advises that over the age of 50, one should not 'do' jello shots. Whaaaaat? I can assure you I felt no mortal peril after downing 3 at a party last Saturday night. However, after putting chicken on the grill and promptly locking myself out of the house with no shoes and no phone, I concede that some brain cells may have been harmed as a result of my jello adventures. Thank goodness, my neighbor had a glass of wine at the ready to ease my frustration till me and the chicken got rescued.
The best way to feel young is to spend time with my darling nieces on a rare visit to Michigan. Aeryn and Elie made me see the beauty of the day, as I joined them in fishing, rock hunting, grasshopper and dragonfly captures, apple picking, and of course eating. I was treated to two little songs sung in Korean with a translation following the tunes. The girls are beautiful, smart, inquisitive, polite and very well behaved. (Kudos Jacob and Julie!) I'm blessed to have them in my life even if it's only once in a while. xo
I think AARP should consider the things that you SHOULD do after 50 instead of that stupid cautionary warning.
Maybe if I have the jello shots BEFORE I go rollerskating? It's likely that the outcome will be better!
Have a wonderful week and do something totally 'age unappropriate'-borrow a child if you have to! xo
8 months ago
I'm a member of AARP. Lana signed me up. Some nice perks. I don't remember seeing the things you shouldn't do, though. I've discovered most already for myself probably.
LOL That was so funny! I say you only go around once..try the Jello shots again and keep on roller skating. I don't know another woman, young or old, who is in better shape than you, honest. I am behind in posting but I loved Eat, Love and Pray too. I couldn't see how anyone could do that. But I really don't think you need to do all of that to find your bliss but it sure would be an awesome way to do it!
Too funny. Ya, do whatever -- who cares? Why the hell not? Go for it ~ it don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing . . .
Charles-I can only guess that you have tried and learned many lessons that AARP couldn't have warned you against! Jeano-Javier Bardem is soooo dreamy in that movie! Erik-Oh baby, there's still some swing left in the old gal! Mark-You fall into that same catagorie as Charles... and you are right YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE! xox to you all my darlings-embrace life! xo
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