Last night I had the chance to get in touch with my roots. And no Babes, I did not get my hair color touched up and no, I was not on Gotcha guessin'? Well curious minds, I waitressed. Yes, you read right-waitressed. A crazy situation at our up north hangout had our favorite waitress, Sweet Melissa, running herself ragged. She was in the unfortunate and impossible situation of being bartender, buss person, salad maker and waitress to a very busy bar. The poor chickie should have been losing her cool, but that's just not Sweet Melissa. Her sunny disposition and cute southern drawl makes her a wonderful worker. However, enough was enough and she was quite pleased when I offered to help.
After taking a giant pull off my vodker, and a refresh on my lip gloss, I hit the floor to see if I still had what it took. As you may know, I have waitressed and bar tended on and off since I was 15 and breaking child labor laws, but that was a looooooong time ago! Happily the skill is just like riding a bike-in my case, a very old one! I was workin' it old skool as I slapped down menus, took drink orders-and then ran to the bar to make them. Turning in food orders came back as natural as vodka and soda with a twist of lime. Patrons were patient and gracious as they could see we were stretched a little thin. I cleaned up some tables, found extra ketchup and gave out quarters for the Skill Claw machine. Handling a busy bar is the ultimate in organization and multitasking but somehow the plethora of demands were met.
It's almost a rush when it dawns on you that it all worked out and everyone is fed and happy-I know I was when finally I sat down to my vodka and pizza. Waitressing is honest, hard work and I'm not ashamed to have done it and would do it again. It's instant gratification and once again reminds me why I always over tip. Thanks for the experience Sweet Melissa!! xo
8 months ago
So how many shots did you do at the bar--you know just to keep your energy level up?
I can barely imagine how much hard work that is. I don't think I could handle the complexity of it, all the different orders, demands, etc.
I honestly believe you could probably be the best waitress anyone could ask for, with all your charm, cuteness and diligence.... As long as they didn't piss you off! Teehee- Sorry we missed it!
Jodi, excellent pitching in ~ you must indeed be Catholic :->
Agreed on the work and its satisfaction -- and on tipping well.
Cheerz ~~!
Mark-Oh ye of little faith! No shots were consumed in my side hustle! Charles-it is a challenge-especially for an air head like me! Kristin-My old money maker doesn't hold it's former appeal,and you are right-I am too old to take any shit! Wish I coulda served you up a 'chezburger'! Love and smiles, dear Buddies. xo
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