On a ridiculously brisk Saturday afternoon, friends and family gathered to eat wonderful pastries, sip luscious Mimosas and enjoy a crazy cool hot chocolate bar with amazing fixings! Day drinking with sugary treats? Whatever was this crazy party? Shockingly, it was a baby shower!
Gone (thank God) are the days of rubber chicken and wet green beans affairs. How about a mixed green salad, fruit and chicken strudel? We all groaned about calories for a second before tucking into the delicious chocolate mousse. There was nary a pink and or blue confection in sight. There was no bingo games or the such that caught grown women cheating for a dishtowel. The 'games' were cute and involved imagination as we wrote wishes for the baby's future. I won a door prize that had wine, glasses, snacks and all the fixin's for a little partaay. How very cool and useful.
Many helpers including a very handsome husband, (Tom!) made the gift unwrapping go quickly and efficiently. Mom and Dad were adorable and gracious as they thanked us all for the loot and coming to celebrate the birth of their first child.
The whole baby shower/cocktail party wrapped up in 3 hours including lunch. Let's hope and pray the baby's delivery goes similarly! Can't wait to welcome baby Vivienne to the world. She is one lucky baby that will undoubtedly be surrounded by the love of her parents, family and friends. I try not to feel sorry for myself as a realize once again, that I will never be a 'Glamma', but Autie J. will have to do.
And can we talk about the Mommy? No schlubby maternity wear here! Kara looked fabulous-a true Madonna. Beautiful, healthy, fashionable and glowing. She makes it look so easy!
I felt honored to be a part of baby Vivienne's pre-welcome into the world. Thank you to Tom and Kara for this. xo
8 months ago