Friends of mine know my love all of all things 'nursery'. The scents and beauty of the plants and flowers can lift my mood anytime. I love to plan new looks for my yard and often steal the professional planter ideas. So when I saw this little quote, I had to giggle. "A dirty hoe is a happy hoe." Yes, indeed. I can totally relate as I spent 4 very hot and sticky hours on Sunday working in my yard. For the first time ever, I have a garden for vegetables. My family is big on vegetable gardening and even have a hydroponic greenhouse. I love going in there and picking lettuce and tomatoes-in February! So this year, they hooked me up with some starter tomato plants as well as some green pepper and hot pepper plants. I have them in colorful pots on my deck. So far I have harvested enough tomatoes for our salads and some green peppers, too. My kale and lettuce are doing well and my herb garden is going crazy with all this humidity. I love cooking with fresh herbs. Basil and rosemary, parsley and mint. My strawberry plant, however, has only yielded me 2 strawberries! But it's fun. I water the plants daily and enjoy watching them grow. And speaking of grow....How's that for a segue? My darling nephew, Julian Oliver is growing like a weed. And like the flowers, he also has perfect skin coloring and smells delicious. At one month old when I saw him, he is just perfect. Mother nature just never fails to totally astound me, and baby Julian is no exception. Flowers, plants, vegetables and babies-we are all growing. In these dog days of August, what else can we do? Hope you all are enjoying your summer, doing whatever makes you wonder. xoxo
8 months ago
Cute kid and the baby looks fine and healthy too. It is eerily quite in the slums these days, enough so to make it more worrisome than enjoyable. Maybe they are gardening their weed?
All a growing. That is for sure. Lovely baby.
How cool is that? Even hydroponic -- the way of the future, probably.
Mark-I think that was a compliment! Let them tend their weed gardens if it keeps 'em quiet. xo Charles-I just love him! Erik-It IS the way. Lush, organic flowers and vegetables-works for me! Have a wonderful week my Darlings. xoxo
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