Today that simple quote was my reality made possible by a total stranger. After stopping by at a home décor store for a quick browse, I found myself in a bit of a snafu. My keys were not in my purse-I checked twice. Fearing the worst and enduring the frigid temps, I ran out to my car. Saying a quick prayer, I peered thru the window at the ignition of Sascha Fierce. It was keyless. Phew-I think....
Back in the store, I emptied my purse completely. No keys. I didn't remember carrying them in and I didn't think I had laid them down on a shelf. But trusting myself at this point to remember anything seemed futile. I decided to ask the counter girl if any keys had been turned in. "Why, yes, you mean the Mustang keys? Let me call up my manager." You can only imagine my relief. The manager came up and handed me my treasure saying that someone noticed them on the roof of my car and turned them in hoping I was in the store. Luckily it was a good Samaritan that did not want my car or the duffle bag of gym stuff in it! I've heard all the horror stories of people who steal your garage remote and get your address from your glove compartment holding your registration. But none of that was to be my worry today. Someone chose to do the right thing. Thank you to that person and to all of you who make the effort. I owe you big time! xo Happy Martin Luther King Day to you. xoxo
Rest in Peace Glen Frey. You were one of my favorites and I'm happy I got to see you this fall. xo
Glad for the " right thing "
Charles- Isn't it fabulous that in my dotage, someone is looking out for me? As my lone commenter this week, I wish you all support and love. xo
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