Imagine my delight when I was contacted by Women 2 Women magazine to be interviewed for their magazine!! The magazine focuses on women-empowerment, support and recognition. It is based in Grand Blanc and distributed to 400 locations in and around the area. I met with and spoke to the dynamic Debra Collins, the Publisher and talked about the possibility. The interview portion of the deal was easy for me as numerous public speaking engagements has broken that barrier. One afternoon in January, I got a call asking me to come to Flint for some pictures. I quickly popped over a few pics that I had and thought surely that would be good enough. But no, they explained, I would have to do a photo shoot for the cover. What? The COVER?? Yep, the cover. I was to show up in downtown Flint and preferably be dressed in dark colors. Good grief Charley Brown, this ought to be good.
So Rocco and I made our way north one drizzly, gray day to meet with Susan the Editor and Sheri the photographer. As equipment was set up, I kind of froze up. The blog shots I take are much less formal with Randy just snapping a quick pic. Susan looked me over and pronounced me photo ready and an exposed brick wall was one of the backdrops we started on. And I stood there stiff as a board. Susan-who is a natural model-came over to give me an idea of how to stand. Still it was not as easy as it looks and I have new respect for models and their easy grace. After about 50 shots, Sheri said she had what she needed. I was flooded with relief.
We 3 walked down the block to a local restaurant and met up with Debra and Heidi-the Account Executive for the magazine. I felt like a total star as the girls toasted me and made me feel well, empowered, supported and recognized. Heidi is like my sister from another mother-we had so very much in common. As we got further acquainted, I expressed that if Women 2 Women were closer, I would be begging to work with this warm, talented and bright group of women. Unfortunately, I did not get to meet Elaine, the wonderful writer of my story.
I want to thank my fellow Goddesses for their dedication and commitment. And for making an old chick like me feel like a cover girl. xo
P.S. Special thank you to friend, Kristine Sikkema for originally putting me in touch with Women 2 Women. xo
8 months ago