Hope you all had an Easter as lovely as Hazel and I. Mickey was uncooperative-just not havin' the bunny ear thing, but Hazel didn't mind a bit. Some bunny had to do it so she took one for the team!
This week finds me closing things up and packing for the journey back home. But I don't really mind. After a long and relaxing vay cay, as usual, I am ready for a more 'normal' routine. We had 12 guests in all-11 planned and one pop up surprise. (Tom Ledbetter!) We have done everything that the Keys have to offer and enjoyed lazy time as well. But you know me, homegirl all the way. I will be happy to pull in my yard and see what spring flowers have popped up. I miss my family, friends, gym and even Kroger! And there is that tax thing to prepare for.
So, I better get busy packing up and organizing. We hope to pull out by sometime Thursday and make our way back. The pets are gearing up for the long ride in Poppy's big white truck and the attention they garner at all the pet friendly hotels along the way. And after eating my weight in seafood the last couple of months, I am ready for a steak!! Hint, hint, Bob Ernst!
As I see paradise in the rear view mirror, I will wave goodbye and look forward to the paradise that awaits me in Michigan. I am blessed and grateful to comin' home.
Have a wonderful spring weekend and I hope to see you all soon. I need to schedule a coffee date with that big, bearded guy, (Mark!) soon. xoxo
8 months ago
I always enjoy your vacay tales
Bon voyage, Jodi ~ huzzah ~ !
Charles-Thank you, you are so kind!!
Erik-It's so great to be back!!
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