When the sign said that the happy hour drink special was 'Mermaid Martini' you can bet I was quick to belly up. With the unrest in South Carolina, the Barcelona tragedy as well Texas, I was feeling the shaky ground that comes with conflict and just plain horrible behavior. I don't pretend to completely understand the politics, but I question the seemingly disrespectable way we treat each other. The lack of understanding and pushing of our own personal agenda is not supposed to be more important than human lives. Have our keyboard lives lessened our social skills and basic communication skills? Compassion, and listening and just plain politeness seem to be less and less a part of our society. I ponder, worry and wonder.
So after a week like this, I needed to seriously breathe, watch the water and enjoy my martoonie. Also at Captain's Landing, the local famous white duck was hanging around along with other regular ducks, swans, geese and turtles. Just happy little water fowl, swimming and doing what they do. I find it very zen to watch them and imagine how simple their very survival is.
On Saturday, with a day as sunny and perfect as it could be, we watched the incredible air show put on by Selfridge Air National Guard. The Thunderbirds as well as many other aviation specialties were on display. It was amazing to say the least. We had front row, catbird seats at the Ernst's who live close by. The many that were there plus neighbors dropping by, added to the feeling of community. We ate, drank, and shared fellowship and camaraderie. As the show wrapped up, the accompanying music had us all a little teary that our country had such dedicated and talented servicemen that give all to offer us security.
As cornflake as it sounds, I left feeling heartened and more secure. Somehow, things just seemed a little better-and safer. Thank you to the servicemen and veterans for the dedication and selfless service to us all. You make my world a better place. xoxo
8 months ago
Well said. Glad you enjoyed your drink!
Thanks Doll! Have a great week!
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