Are we turning into wimps that talk more than we do? Has anyone else noticed what Drama Queens and Kings we've become? Everyday conversations are full of superlatives and exaggerations that make everything so much more important and well, dramatic. I need to say at this time, I do not mean to offend anyone who truly DOES have these issues and I don't aim to trivialize.
Here's what I mean....
After the party on Friday night, I was a hot mess on Saturday morning. Really? There was nothing 'hot' about it-trust me. When my condition was pointed out to me, I was not hurt. No, I was 'butt hurt.' Charming, huh? Because I was having trouble finding focus, I must have been a bit A.D.D. And when I finally organized my closet, I was accused of being O.C.D. And I wasn't just 'busy', I was crazy busy.
Now, I love good slang just as much as the next person, Dane used to check me on that habit as needed. If I check out the cute E.M.T. at the gym, I am not a 'cougar.' A smitten kitten perhaps, but NOT a cougar. And how do I get my eyebrows 'on fleek?' Unless a fleek is an eyebrow pencil, I'm pretty sure I don't want it 'on' my brows. What about the laziness involved by using word mash up to save ourselves having to say two words? We cleverly say we are 'hangry' to encapsulate our hunger and anger. Why relax when we can do double duty and 'chillax?' Is it too much effort to say chill and relax?
And don't get me started on the use of the word, literal. I had someone tell me that they 'literally died.' And yet they were standing right in front of me, warm and in the flesh! It drives me crazy that the word is so totally misused.
I am trying to make an effort not to overdo the adjectives and superlatives in my speech-starting tomorrow.
But right now, I'm getting a snack and hitting the couch, because I am obsessed with and 'addicted' to the Property Brothers and literally 'starving to death.'
Y'all have an amaze-balls week covered in awesome sauce!!! xo
P.S. Hit up Bobcat Betty's for brunch and ignore the false advertising!
8 months ago
The energy expended in this piece is amaze-balls as they say. :)
Fo reals, Doll-it's exhausting! Merry Christmas!
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